I’m definitely not moving to Solitude, I already have my place in Hek.
You really picked an interesting spot for mining ice.
When it’s as bad as you say there and you don’t make any allies, then try Nakugard.
It’s next door to Hek. They have ice too. I’ll be following your posts for a while,
in case there’s anything new to learn about the situation.
The above guy is right. You’re not whining.
We need more miners like you.
You bring a breeze of fresh air into this rotten profession.
We have the same thing with the ice where I live, except our local ice mogul probably would not bother with a single procurer.
While the minerbumping story I linked probably isn’t the same guy, the 60 seconds corporation has no less than 3 slight variations on Bob the Fourth’s name that just add an extra letter or two, plus most of them following the same format. I’m betting there’s an untold story there we’ll never know, but I’m satisfied I found a link in that story even if no one else appreciates it. For someone who hasn’t been active in quite some time, Bob the Fourth sure left a mark on somebody.
I find these stories, and the story the OP is telling (intentionally or not), interesting. In fact, this particular poster seems fairly far off the beaten path and so I find them particularly interesting because of it. Asking about doing missions in a barge, for example. Brings back memories of my good ol’ Battle Noctis. Things didn’t go as planned but, damn, I still like that ship and the memory it made.
It’s late and I’m not sure what my point is. I suppose it’s just that there’s good out there. Good people. Good stories. Good fun. Enough to keep me playing, at least.