Wasted training time!

Hello, lots of stuff is gated behind the monthly subscription as well as the ISK required to afford the given stuff so the skills having skill requirements seems arbitrary.

So, what’s the problem? It’s been like this since day 1, for going on 22 years now…


It makes the game seem bad

Like I said, going on 22 years now. If it was an issue, the game wouldn’t have lasted this long…

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Lot of games have lasted 22 years but its off topic?

My point is that it’s not an issue. We’ve always had to train skill pre-requisites. Just be glad that they removed learning skills years ago. We used to have to train learning skills before we could even start training actual skills.

what’s the problem? It’s been like this since day 1

This was probably you when someone suggested removing those skills

So what exactly are you wanting? To be able to train straight into a battleship without having to train up frigates, cruisers, and battlecruisers first?

Is there anything wrong with that?

Yes. It’s called instant gratification. A concept that EVE is not known for. Never has been, never will be. This isn’t Fortnite…

Freedom to train skills is not instant gratification compared to buying skill points and ISK for real money

So why exactly is this is a bad thing?

  1. Subscription is how this game is still alive after 22 years. It’s the default way to play the game, although there are ways to avoid paying by playing a restrictive tutorial mode (Alpha) or by grinding ISK for someone else so they can pay the subscription for you (PLEX).
  2. ISK required is how you buy new ships. ISK isn’t a progression mechanism, it’s a currency. Ships die all the time and losing them is meant to be affordable, which cannot be the case if your possessions (ISK, ships) are your progression in the game like armor and shiny weapons may be your progression in other MMOs. After all, if losing a ship means losing all your progression in the game it’s rather harsh, even for EVE.

This is why in addition to a subscription and in addition to your possessions in the game you also have a permanent progression system: skills.

So please tell us, why are skills bad for the game?

I explained it in op

I quoted the OP and asked a question about it.

lots of stuff is gated behind the monthly subscription as well as the ISK required to afford the given stuff so the skills having skill requirements seems arbitrary.

Yes you already said that.

So did you read my post?

I explained why subscriptions and ISK have a different purpose in the game than skill requirements, so it’s not arbitrary to also have skill requirements: skill requirements are your only permanent progression in the game. This keeps the ISK cost of ships much more managable than if ISK itself was the progression system of EVE.

How could you get the idea i want to remove skills? Could be my fault

Yes, I do think you want to remove skills.

Why would you want to remove skill requirements for skills?

Do you think it’s good for the game if newbies can instantly progress into Titans instead of learning smaller ships first?

What is the point of skill requirements for skills?

To have a good game progression where players learn to fly cheap ships with low risk before they make the mistake of flying expensive slow ships with high risk when they don’t yet know how to play.