Wasted training time!

The sense of progression, in my opinion, is the most valuable thing in this game. My first Battlecruiser I used in solo pvp I was really proud of, and my Maelstrom is similarly going to be a huge moment for me. The time, isk, and experience that I’ve spent too get there is the investment of effort that culminates in the satisfaction of a new ship.

Skill training not only is extra profit for CCP from impatient pilots, but it also comes with a number of huge advantages, and here are my favorites:

Distinction for older players, they can fly more stuff!
Difficulty in mass producing dreadnought and titan alts, it should be a hefty investment.
Tackle pilots! Fleets need tackle and new players are perfect for that role
Goal setting, gives you a measurable time goal to get towards.
Forms a good overview of the progression of the game.


But, but, I’m Gen Z and I simply must have it now, for zero effort…

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Sounds great. But forcing people to train skills in a certain order drives them away

not really, in order to fly a larger class ship, you need to have “some skill” in flying the smaller counterpart, that is the same as saying “knowing how to make cake in a private setting is arbitrary as all you want to do is running a backery”

I dont buy it. EVE is a scifi game, we board in a pod no matter the ship size and the inner workings of the docking, aligning etc. is taken care of by systems that the player seems to have no control over.

So you dont need fly a cruiser before competently flying a battleship, speaking from the lore perspective. So having to train cruiser before you can train battleship is moot.

Will it be a good idea to fly cruiser before flying battleship in practice? Maybe, but players should not be forced to train cruiser before battleship imo

could not agree more here! for me it was the Manticore (i know its a small step) but the skill requirements “feel” very arbitrary … but there is a reason for that as this is a speccialized ship, and just like you said i was proud when i boarded it the frst time and its ben my daily runabout ever since, i have the skills to fly somethings larger,faster,better protected, but none of those ships gave me that sense of archivement.

not to meantion that it greatly hlps in padding my zkill LoL.

another example would be the Rattlesnake, its a massive drag, and you probably will have to train skills you wouldn’t otherwise, and in return you get a 600% drone damage multipier. not really seeing the problem with required skills.

There isn’t. Seems as though the OP is possibly Gen Z or Zillenial. which explains their mentality toward EVE.


How did I miss out on this thread today? It was a lot tougher to train up for ships before skill injectors, cerebral accelerators and having an actual skill queue.


The game already has skill point injection for real money and so on. Full on “Gen Z”

And the developers seem to enjoy when people multibox. But why would people multibox if they have to train the same skills in the same order every time.

In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

– G. K. Chesterton


If something is useless how can you see the use of it?

there is your solution,

  • you can fly the ship in less than one ticktok.
  • farm the 45k SP in 30 min and apply them (eg one youtube)
  • do it the old fashion way, put things in the queue, get busy with something else and in a day or two you have the requirements to train the ship you do want to fly.

the choice is yours :wink:

@SwingFish Other options are

Play something else
Discuss or suggest a change on the forum
Or something else

But they dont wanna train caldari frigate 1, or learn how to fly a ship and use mods, and jump right into a battleship

true, i would suggest Elite Dangerous, as the game gas no skillpoints, so you can;t buy your way to the top, instead you are forced to “actually learn to fly a ship properly” which will give you a great advantage later in Eve :wink:

on second tought, thats maybe a bad idea … since you will just flood the elite forums complaining you got ganked by players that actually can pilot a ship :wink:

Anyone use all 3 character slots on their account?

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Nothing is wasted as long as we have skill extraction!

Reason I don’t bother interacting in threads like these!

If you see a skill as the only thing important then your complaint hold some merit. But in a game like Eve the path is as important as the destination. The ships and experiences that you build, the contacts and people you meet along the way. Hell, even the standings with npcs.

To skip all of this IS possible, if you have the money to do so but I feel sorry for those who take the shortcuts. They miss out on a lot of the game and often leave, angry, disappointed and blaming anyone and anything except their own haste and the ruinous effects that it lead to.

No, I would not support this, were I on the CSM.



Skill requirements for skills get in the way.

For example want to fly Caldari Battleship? Train Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser first among other things

Want to fly Amarr battleship? Now train Amarr Frigate, D, C and BC too.

How can you support that

yup. all three on all of my accounts.
aside from my ‘main’ on each account, i tend to have one trained for probing/scouting. the third might just be a PI alt &/or a freighter alt

Just NO!
Speaking as a fast tackle, interceptor specialist, throwing a newbro into that role is just letting the newbro die to no good purpose.
Flying fast tackle is an art. Staying alive in a paper thin, 6km/s interceptor requires good situational awareness, a sound knowledge of ships in the game and their capabilities and the ability to manually pilot your ship. These are all skills that take time to learn. Fast tackle is an unforgiving role. One mistake, you’re in a pod. Hell, you can do everything perfectly and still wind up in a pod because some enemy Tornado 100km away waited for your transversal to drop then one-shot you.
This is not the place to throw your newbros.
Far better to put that newbro into a Maulus, Vigil or Crucifier. They can sit out at 60-80km rather than close in at ~20’ish km point range, they’ll be ongrid longer, potentially have a huge impact on the fight and actually learn about how to fly and play. Bonus, they’re likely to get on a bunch of killmails and actually enjoy themselves.