I just joined a new alliance and I am just wondering way there are so many stations that do the same crap. Some systems have 15-20 stations is there a reason for this. inquiring minds would like to know . lol
If they are player made, its structures not stations. Fyi.
And it could be because they are all owned by different entities. Some private some public
There are 3 reasons for high number of stations in null.
System which has one Keepstars and 4 Fortizars is significantly harder to conquer than system with just one Keepstar or one Fortizar. -
Production Infrastructure
Different activities need different structures. Ie. Sotiyo for Capital building, Azbel for Subcap building, Tatara for reactions and maybe also other Tatara for reprocessing. One structure also has limited number of service slots and possible rigs and if you want top infrastructure you need many structures. -
Moon mining
Every moon mined needs one Athanor.
It is really important that you use the proper terminology. A station is a very different thing than a structure.
If player owned, its every little 0.0 boy and girls’ dream to have their own corp owned place. I helped fund at least 2 of ye old player owned places back in the day. 100% tax rate events…for the greater good!
Makes it feel special. Now…it is home.
Also its another JC. more structures, more chance when its a bad time one of them isn’t hard camped lol. Learned that early on. Always have an oh crap option. JC’s and decent ships placed all over, one of them has to not suck for the night.
With Heraldry/emblems, they’re all staging areas for the new PvP content: “Fashion Warfare”.
Some of them are probably camo
Btw. there seems to be a typo in the title.
Thats atrocious.
Way some places went in those days around 2010 ish. IIRC Molley’s (SirMolle) crew was full on 100% all the time. Evol I think it was for the corp. Talked with some of its peeps. they never wanted for anything but yeah…they got what corp directorate deemed they should have. Now I thought that was odd but whatever floats their boat.
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