Well done mods for not doing anything


And no, I do not need to look “cool”. I simply have relatively high standards… compared to yours at least, assuming they exist at all. I understand that those you usually converse with equally lack such standards, and that you therefore believe that it is perfectly fine to write and behave like this, but I can assure you that it is not.

When someone surrounds himself with light brained friends, he will believe that his light brained friends are the (relative) norm and that all is good, until he eventually finds himself surrounded by people of higher intellect… like the scammer who bested you. He exposed you for what you are, which obviously made you angry and caused you to create this seriously sad attempt at “hitting back”, only resulting in you exposing yourself as what you are … for EVERYONE ELSE TO SEE:

An adult with some serious need for higher education.

I sincerely hope you will show some gratitude for the effort I put into this post. I will always be there for you in case you need help from someone who is smarter than you. : - )


This thread… I haven’t laughed so hard in a while. Thanks OP for being an idiot!

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Don’t get me wrong. OP Should feel free to continue there Discussion.

But They are asking the Scammers and Dregs of society to Name other Scammers and Dregs of EVE Society. There is bound to be a bit of Negative feed back.


lol, “your rules” but I see your posts down below read:

“This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.”



We prefer sediment or grounds thank you. Scum in a pinch

Meh. Most scammers etc. . . are proud of their work and will happily talk about it. In fact, my best score on my “subsidiary main” was a rhea that I got for 100mil in a decimal “Scam.” (Is it really a scam if no one forces you to sell to that buy order?) Flipped it for 7 bil or so. Wish I kept it - since they selling for more now.

How to expose these scamming criminals…

Fly to Jita.

Open your ‘Local Chat’ window.

Write down every character who posts in local chat…

Thus begins our endless journey to expose these criminals.

I have lost much hope in humanity from what I have seen in this thread… FFS!

‘Your’ is possesive… “Your mom is fat…”

‘You’re’ is a contraction between ‘YOU’ and ‘ARE’… “You’re all terrible at basic communication that should be fully absorbed by the 4th grade”.

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Scammer is a profession just like hooker, someone likes it someone hates but doesn’t change the fact of it existence.

Who doesn’t like hookers?

Scamming is a well-established part of EvE and helps makes this game interesting. @Kylers_Vaille - no list is going to do anything other than be a placebo for you.

caveat emptor

Right folks, just deleted an entirely inappropriate post.

Keep it clean.

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This thread in a nutshell.

I’m on it Your Majesty? Highness? King Guy, Fella, Person?..


The amount of logical fallacies on this thread is going off the charts!
Anyways you better add me to the list and my army of alts. I did scamming once and made a bil or so.

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as long as its helping other people and stopping them being scammed that’s all that matters… its about time someone did.

thanks for contributing

No i am not at all. Crime and Punishment is for normal people of society to come and check up whose being a naughty boy and to get information on those. Therefore I am asking those people to, not the dregs.
