We'll pretend to give you something for free

It’s not even for the whole day. Lasts only as long as a normal booster but you have to consume it while still in station because the redeem window won’t allow it in space and unless you use or trash it you get a blinking red dot informing you of IMPORTANT NEW ITEMS IN YOUR REDEEM WINDOW

And from other event boosters we already know CCP knows hoe to make the Items themselves expire. Would be much better solution for the 7day NES skins, for boosters still laughable to have a restriction like that at all, but at least i could activate them in combat.
And make the worthless BPCs 10/20 so at least the newbros playing with them don’t get tought bad habbits.
Finally remove red dot so it can be ignored alltogether and noone would have any reason whatsoever be ‘angry’ about those daily rewards…

Instead they start doing the same nonsense for event rewards AND RNG on omega rewards is also a thing now.

I really wonder what sort of “thought” process even leads to such ideas. Does not only make CCP look “bad” but flat out incompetent.

You truly have suffered more than most. I hope you are going to be ok.


He makes it sound ilke they forced him to wear drag queen costumes and parade in public on a leash with ballgag.


Wait, that is supposed to be a bad thing?

Mistress calls this a reward, not a punishment.


So, we need more space whips, gotcha.

Made from the tails of Trigvalians…

As long as you don’t apply a mutaplasmid to it…

To be fair both of them probably takes a ridiculously small amount of time, including such options or on the contrary allow user to diseable them is a matter of choice from them, not dev time.

It all depends on how many programmers are working on it, and how competent those programmers are.

I think they need to add some other things from other games, maybe some kind of liquid goo and portals and perhaps some narrator.

And a chainsaw.

You , -subject name here- , must be the pride of -subject hometown here-

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