What a joke this edoncom/trig standings we're being MADE to do!

The player numbers have been stable for at least five years.


so for five years CCP/Eveonline is making a ton of Money?

What do I care? I pay my sub. I play their game. They seem content with the money they are making.


Want a ton of people to start playing, so you can get them Hisec kills. Easy, make 1.0 to .7 high sec a No kill zone. lots of people left the game cuz the got Hozed by Jerkoffs killing miners. This would be a easy way for people that like the game but dont want to fight.

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“The game” . . . are you talking about highsec mining?


im talking total Game, I spent years in Nulsec. Mining, Ratting and fighting enemys. You cant expect someone new to start playing only to have some board Jerkoff attack a new guy mining. This is why CCP numbers keep going down. And NO numbers are not stable they go up and down based on CCP gifts and bs


you killed 9 and lost only 5 ships
sounds like a ganker to me

edit: and btw why did you kill the poor probe?

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Except ‘the players’ always ask the same things, over and over and over, meaning what ‘these players’ really wants is mostly stagnation and a rut to walk in. I for one applaud actions that actually have to move players out of their ruts and deal with change.

Yes it did affect me somewhat, so what? I follow what is happening with interest. How would you like a book where nothing ever change, landscape is fixed, politics are set forever and characters don’t evolve? You’d lose interest quickly. I would.

Some will say: If you want change go to Nul. Been there, done that. The closest thing to a good storybook we have in EVE the fictious New Eden lore. Any new action is welcome. Stagnation is death.

My kills vs loss does not show value. and yes i will kill when in Nullsec, Tiny tool tards attacking in Highsec are just sad peps that can not go to nul

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i’m just messing with you dude
i think you are wrong , but you have the right to your opinion
imo i think kills in hs are fine

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been a way abit, trying to find my new path, everyone wants to help as long as it has a blade in you back

The CODE. alliance is recruiting. Come find your new path with us.


Pretty sure this entire event, after watching the latest Scope vid, is all about shrinking the EVE Universe (aka “server merger” if this was setup like most MMOs). - Specifically, the ‘lore suggestion’ that the gravity distortions might sever wormholes created by the gate network.

So, a ‘theme park’ route makes sense. They want to make sure only certain systems fall, that Capsulers don’t actually stop the Trigs.

I mean, how popular were the systems that have ‘fallen’?

((Less systems, means less hardware thrown at the game; overall. Which cuts costs.))

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It’s still a better content than hours of max TiDi fights and bs politics in sov null…

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well Ichorya was main staging ground for CalMil, also agent hub for CalMil FW missions. So I would say quite popular indeed.

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You mean sec status.

And the trigs and Edencom are better at hunting than facpo.

Faction police hunts for people with negative standings with the faction as well. not only the ones with low security status.

but yeah, faction police is not exactly efficient at either.

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No, I mean standings. Try to go into an empire faction region with -10 standing towards them.


I thought it was the faction navy that went after people with low faction standing. Is it the faction police, too?

Who’s this “we” you are talking about. The only one I see crying is “you”.