What Actually Is Eve Online?

The ISD do a damn good job usually I agree. Some good people.

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The best reply is often no reply.

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Being around well over 11 years, and a couple in the early days of eve (2005-2007), I think I have a very clear understanding on what Eve is and what it provides. You’re a troll. Go back under your bridge. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is a common misconception by those that live in an echo chamber. It results in bancruptcy generally for companies, a recent example being Sweet Baby Inc where nobody wants to buy their game, and I mean nobody.

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RGC, is there actually any meaningful difference between you requiring miners to pay 2% of their income, versus me asking for a flat fee, aside from the following obvious differences: 1) you target new players, whereas I don’t, 2) your 2% adds up to more isk over time, whereas my fee does not increase over time, and 3) people can join my 0% corporation for free, without even paying the fee - whereas everyone who joins you is required to pay? Like why exactly is it morally unethical for me to suggest a voluntary donation, but it’s not unethical for you to force them to pay?


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These seems like a disagreement between a few people that have responded to the question: “What Actually is Eve Online”, but no longer has anything to do with the topic.

Really getting boring for the those of us (like me) that thought this would be a general discussion about Eve Online and that we might learn something. So far, I’ve learned that the battles in Eve Online are not just in game, but seem to be in this forum too :grin:

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Indeed. The battles are everywhere in Eve. This is something to learn as well. There is a lot to be learned in some of the posts. People disagree, but that doesn’t make the knowledge useless.

Eve is that dark alley in the worst part of town. You can chose to walk down it however you wish. If you play the game, you are walking down said alley. However you chose to do it is up to you. Just don’t be upset if you run into trouble. It’s always best to be prepared, no matter what you choose to do.


First time you hear about Forum PvP? :thinking:



And in typical bear fassion, rather than avoiding the PvP and moving onto another thread, whines about it and expects everyone to change just for him becausse he feels bored.


You must have missed the part when I explained that a corp tax doesn’t come out of anything involving the market or trading. Miners are not paying an “income tax” to the corporation. Based on skills they are paying CCP a “tax” on the market that in no way shape or form goes to me or the corp. The members are free to do whatever they want with anything they mine I take nothing from them. Use it, sell it, doesn’t matter its up to them.

I figured you would understand basic EVE mechanics but to be fair, its you. You are doing the one thing in EVE that requires zero skills and I obviously assumed too much of you. I should have taken my own advice and realized that nothing coming from you would be an intelligent conversation.

Any Isk my corp gets from the minuscule 2% from a rat being killed in a belt, which is basically nothing, all gets fed back into the corp via Projects. I donate my own isk from running market and incursions into the corp wallet at far higher rates over what the 2% makes. I have never pulled money out of the corp wallet into my own.

What you do is racketeering and extortion. Force people to give you money for “safe passage”. Directly to you, no money to a corp, no return on investment, nothing. And you likely still kill them anyway while trolling them in local. Sending them messages asking them to rate and tell them how you could do better next time and how they feel or to file a complaint with the complaints department. Its childish and immature. Its school yard playground bully tactics.

…and around in circles we go again. :nauseated_face:

Let people play the way they want…you do the same. It’s a game…not a school yard, not rl. Accept it. You do you. Quit trying to tell people they are wrong for doing what they pay for in a game. No one cares what an internet keyboard warrior thinks.

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As stated the game play isn’t so much the issue its the childish behavior and the bullying/tolling. I’m positive far less people would have a problem with ganking as a whole if it wasn’t for the way the people doing it acted.

You are generalizing all gankers into one category and that’s how the majority will see it. There’s nothing wrong with RP. Some like it, some don’t. If you have such an issue, why do you respond if only to argue.

…and for the record, I’m not and never have been a ganker.

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You mean like you, having a major meltdown?

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It takes only a few bad apples to ruin the bunch. Unless called out by the others people will assume its all of them. As in all things not just in EVE you have to call out the bad actors in your group or you are just guilty by association. Or as a police officer would say “you fit a description”

I don’t believe I ever said you were one

interesting. You assume general words on a screen are a meltdown? I take it you haven’t raised children? What I’ve put is rather calm and collected compared to someone having a childish breakdown lol trust me that’s something I know first hand. I have 6 myself.

Except for the 2% tax, right?


I’m just gonna redirect you to this part again. Maybe if you read is slowly you’ll understand this time? Should I use smaller words?



Yes, they are, or to put it in visual terms

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Any Isk my corp gets from the minuscule mining permit fee from a miner being killed in a belt, which is basically nothing, all gets fed back into the corp via Projects. I donate my own isk from ganking market and incursion bears into the corp wallet at far higher rates over what the mining permit makes. I have never pulled money out of the corp wallet into my own.

You mean like you are doing?

It’s always a yeah, but… Like I said, but, …I hate this, I hate that… It’s not your problem or your issue until you make it so. You want everyone to think and do as you do and that’s just not realistic. Why are you so judgemental? Do you truly believe your way is the one and only “right” way? Why do you care and how is it your problem?
…and who is acting childish?

I digress as I will not continue to stoop to your entitled mentality that somehow you are always right and everyone else is always wrong. You make my head hurt. You have fun now.