Eve Online is also a place where people can discuss many aspects of science and space and the future.
Take for example cloning. Cloning a human body and organs will become relatively easier once humanity demands science figure out how to transplant the consciousness of the First Living into the first clone.
We know that all atoms and molecules of the human body must have mass in order to exist. The question is, do dreams and memories and the personality of each person also have mass? Probably not due to a person’s head needing to be as big as Earth to contain thoughts with mass. If dreams and thoughts had mass and are stored in the brain, then science would have already discovered the processes involved. But since science has not discovered mass associated with stored dreams, those dreams, made of light, which has no mass the same as a photon doesn’t have mass, must be stored someplace else.
The theory I have been working on the last few weeks, involves looking at our Universe as being female in origin and the space outside of our Universe as being the male in origin. I’m not certain which sex holds the key to activating the Higgs-Boson that adds mass to all atoms and molecules, but that proof does exist at the moment of the Big Bang, when mass was transferred from the male to the female to cause our Universe to expand. If this isn’t true, then why do females need a male to expand the womb? No male, no expansion.
I also believe that the male aspect of creation still resides in our Universe as dark matter or dark energy that continually revives the female mitochondria that allows humans to live for X number of years. Although we can’t see the male aspect of creation with our eyes when we look out into space, we can see the light that is massless, like space-time probably was before interacting with the female. Well not entirely massless, but less mass than the female had at the time of the Big Bang. This can be proven by taking a healthy male who consumes normally and remains active and compares the mass to a healthy female who is pregnant with a single child. Both specimens will need to be same height and weigh the same. While the male, Primordial space, remains the same size by consuming matter that we have not yet detected, the female gains mass, as the Universe expands.
I am a firm believer that although we cannot see Primordial space, we can see it through the womb in the form of stars, planets and other celestial objects. The white clouds rolling and puffing the sky, that could be Primordial space passing through the Earth and effecting the clouds thus allowing us to see actual Primordial space-time. The same holds true for the celestial objects as well. Because if we were in a constant stream of Primordial space-time effecting our Universe the same as the moment of the Big Bang, then science would be able to measure such tremendous amounts of energy and light being released with telescopes and LIGO. But since such events are not taking place and being recorded, then the Big Bang was most likely a one-time deal and the particles involved with the male aspect of creation have moved on to other parts of space-time to seed space-time with life. Sounds bleak, but assuring that another Universe could be right next door to our Universe.
I know there are going to be those who look perversely at the above as being a form of abandonment, but that nothing should be avoided.
There must be some aspect of Primordial space-time that allows the memories and personality and dreams to exist in the mind as massless matter. Perhaps when we dream the same dream two or three or even more times, those repetitive dreams could be some aspect of Primordial space-time accessing the part of the brain where dreams are stored that then show us the light of the dream in the otherwise darkness.
Being able to transfer the living consciousness and sub-consciousness of the memories and dreams of a living thing must exist in Primordial space-time. If that connection can be found, then a clone could be placed by the First Living and have their entire persona transferred into a clone brain. But how does Primordial space activate our dreams without mass when Primordial space gave our Universe mass in the form of the Higgs-Boson?