What Actually Is Eve Online?

Sure they are. You want to join, you can pay. Otherwise, get lost.

Nobody wants to fleet with a poor.

Does PvP make your heart beat faster than normal?

Had you undocked billions worth of cargo and spent some time watching your ship take on damage?

If that doesn’t give you some cardio then you must be a zen master!

/Still being New Eden self efficient requires fees to be paid to someone even if those fees only cost you time.

Time is a fee, no matter how a Capsuleer obtains their Isk, time plays a part.

Oh, so this was all just a big troll, right? Well played, if so --that has to be an 8/10 at least.

And if not, then:

Sure Mr 1337-PvP tryhard, whatever.

Did ice-miner botting all those same name alts get to be too much of a bother, plus you got sick of “looking over your shoulder” as it were, so you just stick with “Terra Nox” to feed you MTU-kills now?
When you’re not losing fail-gank ships to sentry guns in Sivala, or trying to pad your killboard with those self-same alts, at least.

And not losing…um…Well, whatever this sad, sorry thing was supposed to be:


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t EBay that account.

Unlike you, I actually have done the things you listed, and for quite a long time, too but I never lost anything too expensive except the one time I’d gotten complacent, and that was some years ago now. I’ve made sure to not repeat that mistake since.

(Covert Ops cloaky hauler = best hauler, too. They’re practically impossible to lose in 01.+ space barring bad lag-spike at the wrong time, or being literally asleep at the keyboard.)

Never paid an ISK-cent of “fees” to any scammer either, although I admit that I’d probably want to pay to find someone to put me out of my misery if I had a lossmail like that poor, poor traumatised and abused Tyhoon to my name.

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That’s pretty accurate.

No, if I feel the need then I will log everyone in to mine.

What I needed back then placed me into retirement now in New Eden now with or without paying a fee either time, idk or money!

My heart is at such a low rate while playing Eve Online the way I like to play it as I know my stress limit.

Truthful it was not some random trolling attempt.

My mind works the way it does and reason for deciding to counter argument your comment.

/Funny how you single out that zkillmail.

It’s a really extra-special kind of…well, Special™.

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You like that fit don’t you?

/you might wonder why that fit wasn’t able to withstand such a high amount of incoming dps

/how about looking for a positive take on that zkillmail?

I see it as a positive step towards improving my next typhoon loss.

/take a moment to sort through my other battleship losses and if you want I can link you a Dred loss for your special interest.

/last edit

Give me a few minutes and I will take that fit to Tama

Will send you a postcard if you’re you don’t show

Eve Online is about having Fun

There is no such thing as a legitimate scam. Never has been and never will. Scams are always illegal no matter what the scammer believes.

If a person is drunk and taken advantage of and ends up having money taken that the person would not have given up if sober and the sober person initiated the scam, there are laws on every single law book in the U.S. regarding such a scam.

Scamming in Eve Online is also a real world crime because the scammer used the internet to commit the scam which is basically, wire fraud.

Look up the legal definitions of a scam involving the interent. Doesnt matter if the scam was based on perceived game mechanics or not, there are laws and international laws that criminalize such acts.

Calm down miner.



I appreciate you @Tarryn_Nightstorm for noticing this extra-special kind special as I understand time lost costs Isk and reason why I had just paid for the time lost that pilot had spent shooting at that typhoon fit in Tama today.
After around 5 minutes attacking they commented that they had to go…

Meaning everybody pays a fee in Eve Online, either your time or mine.

/If a person is drunk and taken advantage of and ends up having money taken that the person would not have given up if sober

@DrysonBennington not necessarily true.

Nope. If a sober persons tries to exploit someone for money or anything that belongs to person who is under the influence of alcohol, the act is still theft.

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It’s a big social experiment also? :thinking: :thinking: So yes it is 100% fair to compare things/emotions/actions to what it would look like in RL. Our actions are grounded in our real life self.

Thieves and Scammers will always be the bottom of the internet and just because they are in EVE doesn’t remove that fact that stealing is morally wrong and a universal rule we all hold that we should not steal.

Universal rules = things everyone knows about. love, killing, stealing, being happy, etc. I can ask anyone on this planet if stealing is wrong and they would say yes.

Never heard of anyone paying to join a corp. Its usually the other way round and noobs joining corps get free ships, mining bonuses in fleets, etc, etc. There may be some ‘paying’ via taxes or buyback policies…but that’s not really the same thing.

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A game that has not been able to attract players for years is, instead, a niche game. Advertising and even more toxic communities do not help.


I see brain trumposis.

Yes, by definition not catering to the “give me my free win” mainstream gaming mentality is going to result in a niche playerbase. That’s not a problem.

CCP’s advertising is atrocious precisely because it is often predatory on the “give me my free win” mainstream gamer. The very people that aren’t meant to be playing the game get sucked into the wrong idea. And it turns out those people are the most toxic by making IRL death threats or minimizing actual awful real-world harm by comparing it to pixellated videogame gameplay.


Yes, by definition not catering to the “give me my free win” mainstream gaming mentality is going to result in a niche playerbase. That’s not a problem.Blockquote

Could you please define “give me my free win” mainstream gaming? Examples?

CCP’s advertising is atrocious precisely because it is often predatory on the “give me my free win” mainstream gamer. The very people that aren’t meant to be playing the game get sucked into the wrong idea. And it turns out those people are the most toxic by making IRL death threats or minimizing actual awful real-world harm by comparing it to pixellated videogame gameplay.

Man, what are you writing about? Did your development stop at the Atari stage? What kind of blabware is this? Some mainstream games…
You represent the same logic as vegans.
We who play EvE are real players and the rest are kids who are allowed to win.
Just embarrassing.

Tell me that Star Citizen or No Man Sky makes you win.

The kind of mentality that views any kind of ship loss as a “setback” that is completely unacceptable and indicative that Eve Online is a game that is “broken”. I presume you are observant enough to know this, and are not genuinely interested in this line of questioning and just want to make me answer to say “I disagree” without actually having to form an argument. If I’m wrong, I’m willing to hear your argument about how this mentality doesn’t exist in mainstream gaming, and I’m ready to point to the mobile and mobile-adjacent gaming industry with the likes of Genshin Impact, Lost Ark, Diablo Immortal, and so many others which by every metric (revenue, players) are the mainstream.

:thinking: This is a word salad I don’t know how to engage with. You have ideas in your head that are coming out in an illiterate cacophony of words that nobody understands.

I was agreeing with you that CCP advertising sucks. You just don’t like that I agree with you.

Yes, they do.

Social simulator in a simulated but still fictional universe --And more to the point, one that’s hemmed in by some pretty tight mechanical constraints.

And, reminder:

You don’t lose anything that even actually exists, let alone has real value, and no-one forced you to play in the first place. That last is, and continues to be 100% your own free choice and you;re 100% free to experience the consequences thereof, or just bow-out if you don’t want to do so.

Ergo sum, no actual crime/-s or moral wrong/-s committed.

Honestly, I find it quite worrisome that so many people in the current era (last 15ish or so years, we’ll say) seem to have so much trouble telling apart fantasy and reality :confused:

That guy simply cannot bring himself to admit that he got conned --It’s all become rather pitiful at this point.