So, I’ve done a couple of mining runs in a frigate. Ratting seemed to be a waste of time, as I can’t really seem to find any outside of those that jam your sensors so you can’t fight anyway.
And…I’m just wondering what I should spend my sack of credits on. I mean, I can accept the “hands off,” almost clicker style of gameplay of Eve, but I don’t have a goal to work towards, as far as I know.
I’ve already got the tier 2 mining turrets, and don’t see anything better. The bigger ships seem to be locked off, so I’m not working towards that. Drones also are not available. I don’t see where I buy plex with credits, although I don’t imagine anyone mining in a frigate could get it in anything resembling a reasonable pace.
I also don’t know how to find a corporation that I can contribute towards.
There is an entire section of the forums devoted to recruitment. If you make a mistake, it takes one click to leave.
Eve is a social game and activities are intended to encourage interaction between players - either cooperative or competitive. Alpha characters can make useful contributions to a fleet - either PVE or PVP, and there is pretty good ISK to be made running low level Abyssal sites even with Alpha skills.
You can buy PLEX on the in-game market - 500 PLEX for a month subscription is roughly 2 billion ISK. This is not realistic for new players unless you turn the game into a job.
Do Little is 100% right. Joining a corp will provide you friends, advices, fits, AND Aims/Objectives. You will build ships asked by the corp/alliance, or you will earn isks and skill up to be able to fly usual (“doctrine”) pvp ships , etc.
Sounds like you are in gurista space, that’s a type of rat that likes to jam. You should always be able to target the rat that is jamming you, and kill him. Aside from that you have several options:
Train up skills that increase your sensor strength
Train into drones, they will continue to hit things even when you’re jammed out.