What are you reading?

Happy Belated National Book Lovers Day!
9th of August.
Here is some advice to read faster:

What are you reading today?

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I’m reading Dune. It is a 900+ page edition and the book appears to have a few sci-fi concepts or words I’m not familiar with. The weapons Paul train with at the training room are quite possibly invented by the author. I’m still not finished, so I don’t want to say anything else about it, yet.

Thank you for contributing to the thread @Naomie_Pennilez :slight_smile:

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Picked up a copy of TIME. I think I should buy an Analogue Pocket.

Almost finished with the second volume of Le Morte D’Arthur. It’s basically 1000 pages of solo frigate PVP with the occasional FFA sponsored by Tuskers or Stay Frosty. No plot, yet strangely entertaining.

Started The Dark Forest, which has the unique structural feature of not using chapters, and The Farthest Shore, which I hope I enjoy more than Tombs of Atuan.