What considerations has CCP made for PvE after Resist nerf?

All I see here is screeching, whining, and crying about things that you have no idea about.
Until you give me actual stats, actual data, and real numbers, your crying and whining means absolutely NOTHING.

I already told you.

I don’t care about your feelings.
I want facts.

I find it hilarious that the moment I put your fit through some pfya, and showed you, WITH ACTUAL NUMBERS, that your fit would not be impacted at all by the changes, that you retreated and started to backtrack HARD. Instead of trying to argue reality with facts, you started to talk about your own feelings, and your own “experiences” but flat out refuse to provide us any actual evidence of it.

If your experience running missions has been that you finished a majority of your missions with less than 2k EHP remaining, then I may be sympathetic. You have a fit that is so on the cutting edge of that delicate balance, that I might almost be impressed.

But that’s not the reality, is it? Instead, you’ve cleared missions with waaaaaay more than 2k ehp to spare, and this upcoming patch will not impact you at all.

But yet, you still persist. This isn’t about facts. This isn’t about what actually happens to the game. No, this is about YOU. You WANT to play the victim card. You WANT that attention. You want to pretend like you, specifically, are being hurt by this patch just because you’re insecure enough that you want attention from random people on the internet.

Until you show me actual numbers that PROVE your entire gameplay will be negatively impacted by this, all you’re doing is crying for attention because you don’t know what you’re talking about.



Your Pyfa numbers show EXACTLY that it will be impacted and coupled with my ACTUAL experience I know how it will perform worse for no added benefits. I have not backtracked at all anywhere. You simply refuse to look at practical implications of you theoretical numbers. The only person who screeches and screams incoherently here is you. You even go so far to completely ignore what I say and keep repeating that the changes won’t affect me when even your numbers show that this is not true and when my experiences tell me that this is not true. You cannot even read your data properly. Your EHP figures take shields into account. When I run missions, the shields of the Domi are depleted and thus the 14k EHP of that layer is non-existent. The 26k EHP in Hull is something that is not part of my tank and if I went into Hull all the time, things would be very dire. You also keep shifting the goalpost and insist on that this patch won’t have any impact on me just because I never went under 2K remaining EHP, when irrelevant tank layers always have more EHP.

If you want more facts other than my fact-based description of what happens in certain missions, you have to gather them yourself. You do not accept the facts that I provide but that is not my fault. I would suggest you step away from your screeching for a moment. Put your theoretical figures into practical use and then come back. You keep insisting that I have no idea about this particular subject, yet you are the only person here who keeps ignoring facts from me and you ignore your own facts. If it was not such a sad, ignorant and clueless display, it would actually be hilarious reading your posts. :slight_smile:


You need data ? You provided them !

Just check the armor repair ehp amout : 297.6 => 278.1 so you will lose 7% armor tanking.

I’m not complaining about this update at all, we just have to adapt

But here, maybe focused armor hardener depending on mission instead of damage control and adaptive is a better idea.


Try that against DED or Minmatar. They deal omni damage. The RAH is the best choice because it adjusts to the changing damage types and damage focus of some ships and waves. Take the DED Blockade as example. Depending on where you are situation in relation to the spawn points, you might have very EM heavy damage initially because only the cruise missiles from the BS hit you, but as soon as these come closer, their turrets start hitting you with Therm/Kin/Explo as well. Or The Assault: Many of the BS deal a lot of Kin/Explo with Explo missile damage, but there are waves that are very heavy in EM or Therm damage.

The RAH is the best choice for this particular mission area. In other areas with less damage type variation, like Blood Raider or Sansha, targeted hardeners are definitely viable.


Scoots how do you block people on forums.? There are some I want to “eliminate”
Anyone else who knows feel free to mention.

Actually the current situation is the first time I’ve EVER been driven to comment on the forums. Yes DRIVEN!

I’m not a hard missionner, i’m just doing some once a week maybe less with a 500mn autocanon Machariel. I have to do some math with focused resist rig, it may be interesting to have two diferent ships with diferent resist rig. I have to do some math on it…

You know yourself too well.

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Yeah…you’re probably right. (sigh)

You are wrong
A drake with two invuls and a specific hardener will lose as much as what the invul was bringing.
It’s the same as if you just removed a mid slot on the drake.

You are claiming that most shield fit can be removed a mid slot, and most armor fit can be removed a low slot - but also lose the fitting.

You are completely wrong, it’s NOT THE SAME THING.
Therefore there is room to worry about such a wide nerf.

You are wrong.

Some activities will become simply NOT doable. Try to run a superior sleeper cache’s archive after the nerf.
Try to run a mission in a brawler BS.
Try to run abyssal tier 5.

And yes many activities will have to adapt. How is that good ? What good thing does it bring ? In the end, PVE activities that can’t be blitzed will become even worse, while PVE activities that can be blitzed will become actually better.

Don’t get me wrong, I think CCP is right. But I can’t let people claim “it will have no effect lol”. This nerf is going at the cost of many PVE activities, and people who claim otherwise are liars.

No, that shows you are a complete idiot.

You are losing REP on that fit, according to your own screens.
THAT matters since if you were able to tank the rats before, you may not now. As he says the fit can be hard on the cap, it means the fit will be harder on the cap, with the possibility to shut down the rep.

You have no knowledge in the matter. Nobody cares about your stupid “theory” numbers, get yourself the ship and do the mission, THEN you can talk.

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It’ll still run level3’s no problem. You know this for a fact. And i bet i could get one to tank some level4’s too.

By swapping out a little dps for more tank, yeah a triple rep legion will still work.

Will not only still be possible, but shouldn’t be the base line for doing missions. It just takes longer.


So this guy might suffer some losses rather than no losses? How terrible.

Speaking of lying,

No one said this would have no effect on all pve. The vast majority of the above discussions are on missions, which anyone whos not a liar knows won’t become impossible. They just need some adaptation.

The higher-higher end pve may become difficult but I’m not writing it off because people have been doing it with zero losses without even max bling. There is room for improvement. And some of that higer end content is being done solo when it could be done in groups.

So to say it will be impossible is a lie.


Can someone explain how a 30% scan resolution bonus offsets the resist nerf? Doesn’t it just mean you lock targets faster?

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The faster you can lock, the faster you can start to kill the incoming DPS; this only applies to battleships along with the 10% boost to base HP.

For me, it’s potentially freed up a midslot that normally contains a sensor booster with a scan res script; time to play a little with my fit.


If you lock targets faster, you can kill them faster - reducing incoming damage. It’s a small difference, but so is the resist change, especially given that things like damage controls and reactive hardeners are not affected and CCP appears to have buffed some modules before applying the nerf. For example an Adaptive Invulnerability field II gives 30% resistance bonus on TQ while the renamed Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II on SISI gives a 26% resistance bonus which means they buffed it to 32.5% before applying the 20% nerf.


But I do!
Please tell me! :smiley:

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There is incoming PG nerf on that same legion. I’m no expert so it might or might not pose any problems for specific fits.

Perhaps, but to say that it will be impossible to adapt by using bling/implants/drugs is counting chickens before they hatch. People run the most difficult PVE CCP has come up with quite comfortably. To say that there is no middle ground between ‘clocked and farmed’ and ‘impossible’ is just silly of some people.

No. you are wrong. I don’t reckon this for fact.
I already lost drake in L3 with alts not havingfull skill. I almost lost matar BC this week in L4s (Yeah I like to do that too), barely survived by OH the invul and shield booster and focusing on the painters (angel swarm mission, I think)

Thats completely stupid. You do it already with as little as a civilian gun as DPS.
And you barely tank the colossal waves.

BS. I mean, nothing you say makes any sense.

You don’t answer the point. You are dodging the point.

You are wrong, some people claimed that the effect would not be noticeable, which is completely wrong. Some fits will lose 50% tank, that they can’t get back. For example, the fits used for superior sleeper cache.

not at this level and for all activities.

Nobody cares. Your opinion that it should not be done solo is complete garbage BS.

Again, try to do a superior sleeper cache’s archive with half the tank. you will lose as many ships as you bring, because the last cans spawn around the time the first 2-3 massive waves hits.

Untill then shut the ■■■■ up. Your claim that this will still be doable is complete BS.
I’ve lost loki and tengu in this site already. You claiming that it can be done with half the tank is just completely garbage nonsense.
The loki had a tank of 7000 ehp/s capstable. I have done tens of them. It was still very hard each time.


Someone said the effect would not be noticeable on any PvE? Who?


What makes you think it has to be soloable?

Here you claim that people must not worry about it. I translated that as “not noticeable”. Because if you can notice such a thing, you should worry about it.

What is asserted without a proof is dismissed without a proof.

You assumption that it is okay to make arbitrary sites become not doable unless in fleet, is therefore BS.