What did I've done wrong?

Yesterday I wanted to make another account. I have 9 OMEGA-Accounts. So I created an new Character then I customized it, then I bought 3 month Omega Account, then I bought 2860 Plex for 99;- Euro. And then I tried to open this account and it says:
User EVE-SSO-CONNECTION is banned pending investigation
Last login: 2018.10.13 23:12
Number of visits: 2
Reason: You have been banned permanently by GM XXXXXXX. The reason specified was: Breach of EULA - Permanent Ban

and in Helpcenter it says:
GM XXXXXXX Yesterday at 02:13

This person just bought
ate/Time When Amount Status Type Card # Description

2018-10-13 23:13 57 minutes ago € 99.99 Paid GC PayPal paymentInfo / PayPal PAXTORR 1 x 2860 PLEX 41201803

2018-10-13 22:56 1 hour and 14 minutes ago € 38.85 Paid GC PayPal paymentInfo / PayPal PAXTORR 1 x 3 Month EVE Subscription 41201733

and the account was created recently with a dodgy email address.

Best Regards,
GM Arkarian
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie

I answered to the Topic and was frustrated and then I asked again…what was wrong but no answers so far.
Should I only wait until I get an Answer. I have no clue what I’ve done wrong. If I only would knew what……
That was almost 140,- Euro…

Can someone explain that to me…how I breached the EULA?

Seriously, asking at the forums won’t help you out. But apparently something was wrong with both your payments and your contact e-mail so CCP suspects fraud.

Thank You for Your Answer….My E-Mail address is correct and in use since ever….The payment was payed to ccp correctly….I received Mails About the payments……
So I just will wait….thx

Sadly, this isn’t an issue that the forums can help you with. You’ll have to wait for a GM to check into the issue. Best of luck to you.

Thread closed.