What do players want?

The captains quarters never fulfilled its potential

True and I blame the CCP corp for that!

Windows hasn’t even used boot.ini since XP :stuck_out_tongue:

Fook the localchat too.
That would be nice


I’d like

  • The Fiction Portal brought into the light (ie made more vsible) and regularly maintained.
  • Storylines finished (Sleepers, Drifters hell even the Trigs story looks like it has now been abandoned) rather than just left to fester.
  • In game items updated when things are changed through the story (how long did it take to change the Seb tribe ceo from Karin? or the Amarr Empress to Catiz?)
  • Live event development started agin (rather than just changing the skins on the npcs and pushing it out as “new”)
  • Faction War looked at to try and reduce the number of farmers.

“new players” is such a broad statement that it’s impossible to get any sort of meaningful answers to that unless you quite the research. I can only speak for myself, being relatively new.

I came here for the in game interaction and competition, been playing Elite Dangerous for quite a long time and that is the one thing that game really lacks. My previous MMO’s mostly had a very strong PVP focus but now that I’m old I lack the reflexes and reaction times to participate in those and do well, so I kinda “settled” into grind/pve games. EVE seems to be the ideal combo for me: competitive but not requiring fast reactions.

What I’d want would be what Star Citizen already has (tried it, not a fan) and Elite is getting this year: the ability to walk around and do meaningful stuff with your character. To me that would make the immersion complete. I realise EVE used to have this but it was terrible and thus got removed, that doesn’t mean a good variant wouldn’t be a good addition though.


Thank you
Yes totally agree and meant to be a broad statement
The simple fact is, I believe CCP need to switch it up and increase the immersion in the game.
Previous iteration of captains quarters was a great concept with a lot of potential, but apart from the fact it looked ‘pretty’ it didn’t serve any real purpose.
Immersion attracts and retains players
It’s pointless just churning out similar/same events, that gets old real quick

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Who better to ask than their player base and keeping an eye on the competition

i want low sec to be low sec
CCP attracted null sec peeps and other bad elements to low and it lose al the character
low sec is for lone rogues that love to fight
“my ship is cheaper than yout ammo”
its for the amarr , the dirty minmatar , the degenerate galente , the weaboo caldari
its for pirates
not for big corps , not for miners
make low sec great again


Thank you
Great ideas
Especially continuity of stories etc

Whew lad, I started writing a doc a few months back about the huge and expansive things I’d like to see changed to fix many of the core issues in the game…

After I got up to like, page 8, I stopped. Yes, there was a factor of long explanations into each aspect, but there were quite a few things listed, too.

Some top picks off the list?
Ship upkeep, both in upkeep and crewing requirements
Combat refitting
Buffs to short range and armor fits that give them viability in large scale fights
An intelligent Concord that doesn’t baby new players, but gives them(and high sec) a better ecosystem
Major industry reworks so an atron isn’t made out of the exact same stuff as a thanatos, minus 1 step

Whew. Lad.

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Not a new player here . What I want is a Morty , they are so hard to find these days.

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And who exactly do you propose they ask for help?

They already consult the CSM, the vocal minority on the forums doesn’t inspire me with confidence regarding balance changes or design goals

Who exactly are you proposing would be able to “help” them other than other developers from competing products?


A separate server for PvE players where they can’t get griefed by sociopaths!

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Their CSM is complete trash. The only players ever elected are the types that are the farthest removed from the general playerbase (null sec players) and the only one that posts on the forum is the most ignorant of them all (brisc).

They don’t even make an attempt at consulting the larger parts of their playerbase (high-sec players) or at consulting parts of their playerbase that they’ve turned away (low-sec players). They would rather pull data then actually talk to us because they can come up with data that supports their narrative (cater to whales).

What I am proposing is either a better CSM system that pulls players from more varied walks of life OR an ACTUAL community team that engages with the community on the forums and elsewhere. The forums would attract much more knowledgeable players (like they used to) if CCP were actually present.


Their CSM? you mean they don’t work for us?

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They work for Mittani . But with or without them, the outcome would have been the same.

Thank you
You make a compelling case

I like what you’re proposing
If the general consensus is that DEVs/CCP are so removed from their player base I’d be happy to work collaboratively on this.

Complacency, arrogance or another agenda?

DEVs need their finger on the pulse and need to listen to their player base

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There you go, your PvE server :stuck_out_tongue:

Thing is, what would you even ask them, most players are quite content in their daily activities

Ask high sec players and they will just complain about nerfing suicide ganking, which won’t happen

Ask low sec and they will probably just whine about a lack of content due to nobody wanting to go there

Ask null sec and they will just whine about not being able to krab enough

Can’t really sift through mountains of noisy data in the form of 25000 responses to surveys

If you can come up with a way to actually ask people what they want without the opinions just balancing each other out then by all means, but the issue is the playerbase is generally not great at balancing or requesting changes that actually work long term, yes there will be a few but you can’t really have the fate of the game decided by a handful of players

Which it does, anyone can run for CSM you just need to get enough support from players that vote, you could try running yourself, but i suspect you’re unlikely to get the result you want

Again, forums are a vocal minority of players, always have been, the majority of players don’t read the forums nor do they interact with the community teams, their views are however just as valid as yours and mine

Hence the futility of even trying to ask the playerbase, they likely wouldn’t post here and most would probably ignore a survey

What ideas do you have to actually reach the entire playerbase that isn’t invasive?

Right, but the playerbase isn’t this forum or reddit, most players are generally fine with how things are going or they wouldn’t keep playing and subscribing, are you going to try and survey every single person playing the game?