Are you referring to gameplay changes or MTX changes, with regards to gameplay changes those are always going to happen, once you’ve seen nearly 17 years of changes you get used to it lol
Based on what?
CCP only has 1 target market, they only make EVE, where are you seeing a difference?
In what way, the MTX seem fine to me and are far below what i would consider a “cash grab” considering they aren’t even really bringing in that much per year
And WoW has been on a decline for a really long time, its mostly due to the decline of MMO’s as a whole, especially subscription based MMO’s, F2P is the current market trend and there are still 3 games holding on to the sub model despite that, hardly surprising those aren’t bringing in as many players as they used to
Yeah that doesn’t really work, you need bounty payments for new players and for people in null, there aren’t any real LP sources out there, and you would still need a basic way to convert that LP in to ISK from an NPC source, so all you are doing is shifting the ISK faucet step to the right by adding an extra step in redeeming the drops/LP for ISK
Insurance and production costs associated with the new ship, the fact that you’re missing that already proves there is more to the bigger picture than you think, and i don’t mean that in a negative way
Show me a game that hasn’t had a decline over its last 10 years alive, you’re looking at a natural decline in players and immediately assuming its because its CCP
That being said our decline is actually far slower than most games of this age, and you’re also ignoring the part where EVE has and always will be a niche game
Which is down to players, CCP can’t force players to fight, just look at what happened with Serenity during the trig invasion, almost the entire server supported EDENCOM, there was nothing CCP could do to change that because they can’t control what players choose to support or do, if most of null wants to be blue to each other then they can, CCP can’t force them to fight
They can add all the conflict options they want but they can’t force people to participate in them, just like most people ignore incursions, just like most people ignored the triglavian invasion, just like most people ignore faction warfare
How exactly would you force people to participate in conflicts, given the sandbox nature of the game how are you going to force people to fight each other?
You realise that predicting the outcome of something like this isn’t as easy as you seem to think it is right?
And if you genuinely think you have a solution to this and the insight in order to predict the future you should get in touch and work for them, because i’m going to go out on a limb and assume you don’t have all the miracle solutions to ISK inflation in your pocket
They were always allowed in low sec
I very much doubt it was a consideration given most plexes don’t allow capitals in and never did, they were always deadspaced to prevent cyno’s being used aswell, i think this is a situation where people are assuming something that wasn’t the case
See the issue there is thats very subjective, for you 1.8bil is a big deal, for me, thats a weekends grind of high sec incursions, its a few days ratting for null blocks etc
Its why ISK income isn’t a blanket thing that can be cut by massive amounts, because cutting all ISK income in half would affect people like you far more than it would ever affect people like me, which makes balancing faucets far more complicated than some would believe