What do we the C&P community want to hear about

You would be the authority on that I suppose

I walk away bested…you have won a fair fight sir. I commend thee. Twinkies and those pink log cakes are gr8

These forums won’t be a level playing field until the collusion between ISDs and certain posters is laid bare and swept away. Isn’t that right, FlipMoe?


I have no problem with isd’s. As far as I know they are volunteer ex players. Kind of a bad idea as favoratism can be a problem.

Basically I don’t care because I will not surrender to harassment and trolling. Plus, I don’t really know what you’re eluding to…we should talk on comms sometime…my comms. You might learn something.

I know Dom arkaral is in your pub channel on a constant basis. Someone who has been harassing me like crazy…continually poking trying to get the response he wants. He’s not that bright, tenacious perhaps.

Back to the original topic…

It seems that all the salt threads are being moved to COAD. Why?

You don’t go to Taco Bell to order Fried chicken. C&P is where the salt belongs.

The topic was brought forth by mortlake, I believe you two know each other. I want to see a fiery clash of fates that awaits us all, personally. (2003 trailer)

I know of Lew, but we’ve never spoken. He seems like a nice guy though.

I harass someone who has me blocked ingame by calling you out on the forums XD


I’d love to hear about the first mercs in New Eden, and about the tactics they used back then. Could be a very interesting subject for a lot of “newer” players

Whatever you like to believe Dom arkarel

I like to hear about some pvp…good fights maybe. I want more thunderdomes, but as mad max’s car was dubbed “the interceptor” you should fly interceptors.

He didn’t have the inceptor in that movie
He lost it in the road Warrior, he never had it in beyond thunderdome


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