What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Yes another 2003 player waves

It’s either dormant or taking a very long nap? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I miss the time when people would HTFU and stop whining so much.

When was this fictional time?

–Time travelling Gadget


I miss the old character portraits (except for the eyes, those never looked right):







You get a like not only for saying local, but also for the cool surname.

Hello Eve
I have a request the ability to access my station walk in my hanger room again and the main public bar, (Star Wars type drinking bar, lol, with occasional shot outs and laser swords, and Concord arresting someone, Missions agents walking up to me, asking if I am interested based on my skill and experience). :slight_smile: The good olds days, Yoda and Han Solo say, “Hmm yes.” This could be a extra isk earner,Hmm yes more passive month isk please, my I idea.

I desire my most recent logon does show in my corporation tabs as far as who last was online. Well this would be great to remind me who I last logon in the Eve launcher, I mean that the character, time played, location. This can be a mouse over or a small window that is displayed along side of each login. I am a software engineer/ developer, so I have a little knowledge that this possible. I would also like Fleet Commanders to give everyone the abilities to access Corp Depot and Containers.

Yours Sincerely,
Since 2003 player

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The old acceleration gate effect, with the lightning reaching out and throwing your ship forward.

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Speaking of effects, the old missile effects.

While the new ones are certainly “better” if you’re zoomed in enough to actually see them, they’re basically invisible when zoomed out to a normal tactical level.

And nothing we have now is comparable to the old torpedo impact effect.


being able to have fun with limited time available.


Not true, set your goals small and achieve them with the limited time you currently have. ^^

The old Black Op’s ships. I never got a chance to fly the old ones. I just wanted one to scare the Bejesus outta someone! :crazy_face:

when a BattleShip could out run a ceptor

Run Battleship Run

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Exactly could not have said it any better. I have so many real-life friends that stopped playing because of the over the top toxic behavior and language who in their right mind wants to be immersed in that type of atmosphere? People play to have FUN, not to be beaten down by some sewer rat because they do not play like they think they should or know as much as they do about the game. Everyone I started out with left long ago, I just fly solo and keep to myself and I still have fun. But I sure miss the days when I was having FUN with my real-life friends and people I knew in-game.


The one in Molea? I visited last month on a friend’s suggestion.


It’s still there?

I hope CCP like, makes the POS there permanent, like a landmark or something.

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Players logged on and in space.