What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

My point was that English macros predate Chinese macros and have never been dealt with. IDK why Chinese ones bother you enough to mention but others don’t, that’s all.

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That was someone else, not me.
Your post just seemed to be suggesting macro’s were fine. Clearly that wasn’t your intention based off your reply.

CSM=30% people who care and are trying to help this game, 65% salty vets voted for by their giant corps to nerf everything every time they see a stiletto, 5% that kid in the back who wants to flex on all his friends and say “im a dev in an 18 year old game” while actually crapping on everything the first 30% is trying to do and drinking more smirnoff…astrahus is now the new invading-enemy-titan…haha sound in space :rofl:(also ships should be able to roll/flip 360 degrees cause its space lol)

maybe set your graphics to medium when running 5 alts

That feeling of awe (and shock) you can only have once when you start playing Eve.


During the fight, calm as hell. After the fight, hand shakes so bad you cant drink your :beer: or smoke!


That first successful bomb drop, with its exhilaration, the “fives all around” cries on TS, the pride in the ability of the corpies on their very first real bombing mission, the realization the plan finally came together and actually worked, and that we didn’t lose any ships. It’s not gone, of course, just not as intense as when you first take the hurdle. Bombing still gives goose bumps :smiley: Luckily, EvE has many “firsts” one can try out, equally challenging or even more.


Ours was when we could wd the null bloc’s. The 1st Goon hunter/killer group that came after us was the real test. NONE of us thought we would survive… Turns out Robin Hood and his band of merry men won! (I was just a merry man in it) Hence the shaking hands, woops on ts and a RUN for home cause we didn’t know what they would do to us after such a loss. Turns out nothing. Goons had no hs teeth back then.

Mary Hopkin - Those Were The Days - 1968 - YouTube


BTW for everyone who was not there, it cost CCP 30k plus accounts. The numbers have never recovered…

You mean nothing to them but $$$.

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I miss the days when every single update wasn’t a nerf of some kind.


Lol no

The Bonus Room of course.

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Ahhh I see, my bad. No, I don’t endorse that **** no matter who wrote it.

Capitalism: Working as intended.

Blizzard calls me every Thursday and asks how my daughter is doing. And I’m not even subbed.


What I miss about EVE is the numbers. Down to 20k again on a Friday nite…

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This is the best news I’ve heard all day.

It’s a shame you missed the early years. YOU would have loved it! :laughing:

I’m a 2007 veteran. What do i miss the most?

  1. When faction war wasnt faction farm. I flew for FDU for several years and learnt my pvp there and it was a blast. Nowerdays… urgh.
  2. You used to be able to get home from work and relax to play some EVE. Mine away a few hours in high sec, run some cruisy missions. The isk didnt really matter it was just relaxing but then… CCP… drone aggression from NPCs, mining nerfs, and above all lethal spawns everywhere.
  3. The agent quality statistics. This brought players together across a number of systems where the best agents were. Remember Motsu? Jel? A dozen other systems that were filled with life and markets and players, gankers, war decs then all that melted away because the decsion was made that players should spread out but making all agents equal quality.
  4. ‘Triglavians’ taking systems and assets from players without adequate warning. Basically CCP saying ‘F… you, sorry not sorry’
  5. Mostly i miss when CCP had a vision and direction for the game beyond lining their own pockets. So much toxic bullsh#t has been added thats supposed to make players pay more and more. Stuff added that NO ONE thought was a good idea… diamond rats, random trig spawns in HS, drifters… ‘BOOM youre dead, thanks for playing, please pay again.’

I wonder sometimes why i still play, why it is still my fav hobby. Long established habits is probably the best answer. Its certainly not the game developer nor the game they seem intent on ruining. They should undo a bunch of the ‘changes’ that’d be a nice start but i doubt they will. Meanwhile player numbers continue to shrink.
I will likely play until they turn off the server but I am no longer loyal, i no longer defend CCPs decsions nor trust that they have the best intentions.


Constant action protecting our people in null using caps, even if the enemy ran away it was still fun to zoom around home using big toys but that’s now gone for good since they cost way to much and nerfed too many times.