What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I miss selling chars with PLEX. it used to be a good income stream…

Battlecruiser online 2007-2011



:space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader:


The Yule Lads.

Krampus ships and/or Yule Goat Paraphenilia also would be shiny.


Nano typhoons going so fast they went sideways
OP NOS curses
Caracals ratting in 0.4 belts
Old dscan
Jumping your gank mega to a gang fight going on in a belt and clapping cheeks


2 0 0 4


I miss 90% web reduction on all webs. Was great for brawling. Now combat is mostly about range control.

Also ability to assign fighters to someone. Also fighters used to chase people around system, and fighters being independent instead of groups.

Make carriers great again.

Also was better when warp to zero didn’t exist. Bookmarks for a region were needed to get gate warp to zero.

So everything that was BS overpowered and unbalanced. No wonder you want titans back.

Happy Holidays you space legend, you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do to for this community.


I would say I miss AT ships being unique (no more than 50 of each to ever be issued) but that is not now gone, it was gone a long time ago when CCP started selling them on the Chinese cash store, hidden from our eyes.

i miss Hulkageddon but I also miss the original Hulk.


I remember when I’d sub all 4 of my accounts (now 5) because Christmas was huge stuff time. Snowballs ain’t nothin’.

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I miss the alarm clock to avoid wife aggro, quiet systems even in high sec, some of the people, jukebox even if I muted it, the feeling of opportunity and the oppression of waiting for a skill to train, pre plex and skill injectors a player really had to earn it. it’s too easy to skill up and the learning curve is more of a slight hill rather than the rage quit anxiety causing drunkfest we used to endure, but, I’m still flying.


The Leviathen in Luminaire was really fun.

i miss eve. Back when eve was still eve, before it became whatever it is now


I miss the ISDs not locking every single fun thread because they need to whitewash the forums to present the facade of a family-friendly atmosphere to the public in a place that’s only really visited by like a hundred of the game’s most rabid fans.


I miss CCP having a vision for the game and sharing it with the people.
Yes WIS didnt work out in the end but at that time people were exicted for new stuff coming.
CCP should go back to make people exicted for new stuff.
They should start to think bigger for eve again.

Nobody gets exiceted about starvation or end of starvation. Those balancing should be a minor part of a true expansion and not the whole story you can tell.


Real moderators who do their actual job of cleaning up threads instead of just quickly locking them with a BS generic reply.


Yeah that thread was ganked, which is extra hilarious and sad at the same time considering the subject matter… both of the subjects.

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