What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

A clear, identifiable vision of the future of the game, with clearly defined steps to get to that end goal.
This gives players things to look forward to (or to prepare for if they don’t particularly like the changes).
But being given long advance warning of changes and the reasons for them with an end goal in sight makes everybody calm down and understand what’s going to happen.

At the moment, there is no road map.
There is no communication.
All we have is a never-ending stream of short-term “events”, proving grounds, log-in bribes and aggressive microtransaction pushing.
It’s sad.


I miss the risk of the game. I feel that there are too many WoW players in this game and CCP devs need to review the HTFU video that the original group made. Same thing for the players, too.

Just about everything I loved is gone, From the game style change and unyeilding dumbassery it’s ruff to even turn it on.
How about the mining ships being just that. You had a mid size tank of a ship that could go anywhere to a small hold but fast cycle large yeild ship for fleets and a paper airplane but huge hold for the High-Sec dudes. They balanced / nerfed them all into crud and now messed it up even more with another nerf junkbox of ships.
You had command ships that commands the forces within a system like it should be while protecting them from others at a safe because they don’t do anything but buff and cost a good amount of ISK. So what did they do they brought them ongrid so they can be the first target awesome.
They took the ability away from good players to kite far away from players that would rock a much larger ship with skills and tactics just so the crybabies are happy.
They took out camping for the most part now when that is why you camp in the first place it’s both a tactic to promote Intel gathering and to apply pressure to normal safe space but we all want null to be more safe for the crybabies.
They brought down the rorq and most cap ships to not be the ultimate killers in the game that they should be and make them targets for others. It’s so easy to kill and lose a cap now it’s a joke.
I also loved and hated blackout but thought that would become a yearly event which would have been cool but instead buff the heck out of the normal events so only a few scammers and Aholes can do them.
It’s really become sad to see as a vet who wants to pass this onto my kids and at this point can’t even get them to watch five minutes of it cause it is losing its life and spark.


i miss dying

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  • Jukebox
  • original Aura voice
  • lore like in classic intro video or chronicles
  • “Pearl Abyss” free CCP

I posted this before and I post it again… The Devil’s key being experience.

Panic! At The Disco: Say Amen (Saturday Night) [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube

I pity those who never got to see it in EVE…

(This is how you hit those high notes in EVE!)

Edit: Maybe CCP should use the sound of the aluminum bat at the end for a pod loss? :smirk:

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Creativity on the events team… apparently it’s gone as they are now bringing Doctor Who to our universe… cringe AF


And they just announced Star Trek Next Generation coming next month…

After the announcement just made that we’re getting Dr Who in Eve Online, what I miss about Eve is any sense of credibility at all.

God damn talk about circling the drain. I’ve been playing Eve for 17 years and I’ve never been more aghast and dissapointed.


Anything from the 2015 - 2019 era would be fine for me.

Stuka bombers (innovative play), cloaky camping was good to counter intel and botting, caps out to kill. No citadels.

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Immersion. I miss immersion, R.I.P. 2022


Yes. At the risk of further waking the woke crowd, Dr Who went from a fun thing to yet another preachy pseudo history lesson. The original early 60’s Dr Who was by a lady producer on whom the BBC was “taking a chance.” She blew it out of the water with little budget and tons of creative imagination.

I don’t like that they remove random activity stuff from the game because it wasn’t that popular for the masses. Not everything is about ISK per hour or winning against others. Sometimes it’s just having a progressive unique challenge.

Case in Point

Resource Wars.

It was fun, even though not very profitable.

Also, I liked walking around my station with a toon I created. The toon felt real for a brief couple of months in the hanger before the masses decided they didn’t like it. Didn’t see where it could have taken the game, such as a Star Citizen type of immersion.


I miss Niarja.


The problem is that the devs have a history of chasing the shiny new hotness while leaving the rest dying on the vine. Case in point, Incarna was released when the game was in an atrocious state balance-wise. If they could learn to multi-task half as well as the average eve pilot they would be able to explore and expand a great many things without letting everything else (Like for instance, faction warfare) die by the wayside.

Resurrect the KISS principle.

I miss CCP listening to its community.

It makes you wonder why no official forum thread for this upcoming crossover event that nobody wants. Whats the point of having a CSM if this Dr. Who event gets a free pass.

Whats to become of the eve lore and role players?

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I miss more alive FW.

I miss the ability to take criticism and competent devs.


Details aside, I miss the joy of creation and destruction.

I’ve played early Mabinogi before EVE. Its items were designed to be disposable, like in EVE. I was a blacksmith and loved making equipment for myself and my friends. Ferghus often broke my sword while mending but it was acceptable as a feature. I lost my interest in the game since it introduced costly but possible methods of unbreaking items.

I started playing EVE after watching Tyrannis trailer. “Creation is so precious, and greed so destructive.” is still my favorite line. EVE is too big for me dreaming a tycoon, but it was fun running a small business, at least.

Module balancing of the past decade is half done. Mass production is getting less satisfying while more vanity items are being added. When the creation became boring so did the destruction. Less people in production lines resulted in less people dare to burn their ships to Valhalla.

If trophy collection is the incentive of today’s EVE, then I would rather play Japanese gacha games.