What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I missed me, so I came back!

Haha take that, common sense!


I miss the big obnoxious personalities from the old days.

Confound it, I really miss Ginger and his ilk.

Ginger Magician, really?

Dude was a clown.

Ginger was a self aggrandizing, clownish ego, but he was an entertaining one. Since coming back to Eve from my last long break, I have not seen any overblown personalities like him. I found Ginger, and a few others like him back in the day very entertaining.

Vinnie from the Wormhole Police may be the largest personality in Eve at the moment. (Although clearly Officer Douche is different from Ginger) . I love Vinnie’s dedication to his role play, and always thought of Ginger’s forum antics as overblown clownish role pay as a pirate king as well. I miss these powerful egos in the Eve community.

My friends


I miss Brisc sayin stuff I disagreed with


This will never not be funny :slight_smile:

The players :frowning:


People fighting for fun instead of winning.


But what if winning is fun for them so they fight to win? :upside_down_face:

There is nothing fun about sitting in a gate camp with 10 people shooting 1 guy, I tried multiple times and wanted to /wrist.


Maybe they come home after a long work week, drink some beer, sign in and just want to chill and if something shows up pop it while they also watch TV / youtube and of course voice comm with their fleet mate friends and whoever else and just have fun. All kinds of people play the game in all kinds of ways. There is no wrong way to play a sandbox even if personally one would never play like that others might still enjoy it that way. :wink:

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But that’s what I am saying old eve had more fight for good challenging fights type of people now a day’s the greater population only cares about winning even if winning comes at the great cost of all challenge being taken away.

The type of people Old Eve attracted is what I miss the most.


I don’t have enough experience to know what the majority is like so can’t comment on that.

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I guess I have not bumped into all 400k people xD so probibly not enough experience either, but the small group I have bumped into is like that maybe I just need to change homes.

The devs that actually knew EvE’s code and didn’t have to keep frankensplicing ■■■■ together.


I still miss the smack talk in local. You found out really quick who knew what they were talking about.

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To sum up what I miss about EVE is that new players will never get the chance I got for the real thrill of the game. And that is the slow decline of the game.

A good story though…

We had a ceo who was really good at taunting players. He bragged to one guy in local that he could tank a certain ship of his with whatever he was flying. (don’t remember) He told us in ts what he was up to and we all came to the closest gate and logged off/on login screen while he kept bragging. He managed to talk this guy into flying 10 min to and from to get that ship. His mistake of not making our ceo fly to him. He even made our ceo strip off his guns and scanned him before opening fire. You can guess the rest of the story.

Thats way I miss the smack talk. Personal interaction. New players chat in the help channel where no one is nearby to help. (Insert deity of choice here) help the game…