What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

They used to have 10,000 players and 40,000 alts on at once. Them days are gone.

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People knowing what “>” means.


Its a nose…

kidding I’m sure people had math and know what greater than is. But the player numbers is for sure !< 16,000

What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Freedom of speech without someone reporting it for being a little off topic or none kosher.


People not taking themselves too seriously.

Mostly only on tuesdays thou with the exception of every second half moon.

As long as the coast is clear on Ramadan.

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And I was wrong

I miss when EVE was uncivilized.


Wouldn’t it be nice to miss the Astero police skin?

Flying for your life.

US F-16 dodging 6 Iraqi SAM missiles - pilot breathing heavily - YouTube

Seems the impossible is possible if you only try.


Pretty sure an F16 is more than capable of walking across airspace guarded by 1960s tech.

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I miss my EVE friends.

You should have told that to his squadron m8 who was shot down in the same engagement.

I find that difficult to believe unless there was gross pilot / CAPCom error.

One pilot ejected though on that Vod you shared on Outofpod right?

Yes. Sry but I didn’t save the source.

The amount of content I would consume on a weekly basis would be nothing compared with being able to consume a Astero police skin right now.

/That reference was for Vinnie WH Police

If he was shot down by 1960s tech he is pathetic and deserves his fate. Hopefully dishonorably discharged at the least.

AGM-65 Maverick 1966 - August 1972 So if it were those 6 missiles launched on that Vod in question then why even second guess?

/wait are we talking about the giver or the receiver here Shower Ben Over?

/I see it those are air to ground and not the ground to air 1960+ tech.

All that said, I wasnt there, I cannot comment.

Objection withdrawn.