What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Here, a randomly picked episode.
Imagine having an o7 Show during the current strange times.




I recently had an encounter with Homeland Security over my drone.

When I realized who he was and stood up outta my chair, it was EVE on. I would call it a draw.

I’m still here and there is no way to describe that kinda thrill in game anymore.

i wet my man panties every time CCP guard is mentioned

Can I gift you some depends?

of course :smiley:
we have a saying in brasil
“de graça até injeção na testa”

for free (i take) even a shot(like a medicine shot) in the forehead
its kinda hard to explain

resuming we like free stuff

Thank you for sparing me the translator!

eu fiz o melhor que pude
i did the best i could

Portuguese is a cool language eh :smiley:

I pasted that into my google and it spat out the following

I don’t regret having shown my purest love to you. Now that you left me, I know I could have avoided having my heart broken, but I would never know how to live with the idea of ​​not having given you the chance to be happy by your side.

Seems to be a very passionate language or perhasps you are just a passionate Capsuleer! @tutucox_Khamsi



Roll back to a Classic EVE you say?

::Activision Blizzard has entered the chat::

I miss the “Old” forums where posting was just as dangerous as undocking.


Want some wardecs? post on the forums!

I did. WD me.

I do miss the days of dropping boson titans on everything. sometimes. understand why it was bad. but still miss it. need bigger mountains to climb.

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THe old gate activation noises. God only knows what trainee thought it a good idea to change them !


PLEX prices

The Imicus used to look a lot more like a router.

The Dominix sometimes used to do flips during warps.

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Well soon-ish. No Laser Muninn for me. Because someone thinks we need more missile spam.

Suddenly ninjas