What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

and the pre-crimewatch aggro mechanics that made this and can flipping a glorious profession in the past…


Yea, the suspect community was the biggest loss. The game has never really recovered content-wise after they all left.

Miners , deep miners and orca boost sound. I rly miss it, now this damn process is just, empty. Why CCP did something like this? It is nice to have new things, but why was taken something good, something I enjojed ? Alredy week after update and every mining moment annoys me. Any chances to bring it back?

When the hair on the back of my neck stands up because things are going too well! :rofl:

I’m by no means a veteran, but I’ve been playing on and off since 2012, here’s what I miss:

  • Lack of skill injectors - time spent planning and training the queue carried more value
  • No daily login rewards and similar Skinner Box claptrap
  • Dust 514 and the incredible potential the concept of interconnected games had
  • While I think walking in stations was doomed to fail, one thing I miss about it is being able to stand beside my ship and see the sheer scale of the vessel
  • The feeling that the game is being developed by a passionate team and not simply gamedevs hired by an increasingly soulless video game company (I know 2011 was kind of a tipping point already but still)
  • Permaband (see my previous point)

I still love the game but I’m worried for its future, as it seems like the “Greed is Good” mentality never went away and holds more sway than ever.


Oof. Brutal.


I’m sure there are still people there who care about the game and are doing their best. All I’m hearing about Uprising is good things. However, the company’s overall culture seems to have gravitated towards the $70 monocle again. Perhaps this is unavoidable in our capitalist reality, and the beancounters always take over eventually. But there are no more Jita Riots, the frog is being boiled slowly.

Call me a fool, but I love the game regardless and choose to stay optimistic - I’m hoping the return to big expansions will bring about an EVE renaissance.


Reading the nonsense in the bounty thread made me remember the old bounty system, and how the billboards used to display the players with the largest bounties in game.

A corp mate of mine killed a miner and the miner placed a quarter billion isk bounty on him (a large sum at the time) that got him to number two on the bounty list. It was a wonderful promo for our little starter pirate corp, and started all kinds of skullduggery in the corps back channels as people colluded to either kill him for the bounty or try to talk my corp-mate into allowing them to kill him for a cut of the bounty.

These are the fun times I am afraid will never return to the game.

(edited, meant quarter billion isk bounty)


unless some one makes a new game based on eve

The jukebox

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@CCP_Dopamine ??? Over two years? Hello?

I liked the bounty system.

It was fun.

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The ability to search for characters and create a contract to said chararater.

Impossible to create private contracts to pay any *future* fines.

today, the character search cluster was inadvertently taken offline making it impossible to search for player characters and create private contracts to said characters.

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You do understand that was a trap that was set and sprung…

trap has sprung


Happy New Year. This thread is now as old as pre-schooler.

While I don’t feel nearly the same as I did when I first wrote this, I would like to thank everyone for contributing their ideas to this over the years.


Remember this feeling? :thinking:
(2) Panic! At The Disco: Say Amen (Saturday Night) [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube
New players will say my playstyle is archaic. Playing the game is too hard now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What can I say? I still miss the ability to wd the null blk’s…

Edit; Amazing what one player can accomplish if they make the effort.


The return of another forum troll like myself got me thinking I miss when we had to try to figure out who the other guy’s scouts were.

You know your being watched but by whom? :thinking:

I’ve never seen a game fail as badly as eve, yet it had so much potential. They created a complicated system that made the players a uniform compact mass, killed individualism, killed fun, made it impossible to strive for anything that would not give a sense of progress and fun. Answer honestly when the game was cooler, or now, when you’re sitting under the shoe of some bum, like under the Russian tsar, or when it was the wild west and everyone was trying to get something for themselves, digging some moon, planet in the wild or exploring anything solo or with a few colleagues. The game has become ridiculously large, too large, which has destroyed the foundation of fun and created the need for labor, sorry but we have enough of this in real life. If you’re still actively playing it, I just feel sorry for you, eve won, you lost, and what’s worse is life… in many ways. The long hours ruined your health, the woman chewed you up, and the time that was going to be used for something meaningful passed. Do yourself a favor and turn the damn thing off, that’s what it means to really win at eve.


I miss that New Eden no longer has a true Princess

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Hmm good question. The first things that immediately spring to mind are the jukebox and the ingame browser.

Thinking about it a bit more deeply, I really miss old-school hisec piracy. Mission flipping, can flipping, flashy baiting, etc. Yes it’s technically still doable, but changes to the mechanics have made it easier for new players to avoid the pitfalls.

Way back in 2004, getting mission flipped taught me a few things:

  1. That I couldn’t remain static in my game, I had to keep improving.
  2. That I needed a group, being solo wasn’t a good idea.
  3. Combat was basically inevitable, hisec wasn’t safe it was just the lite version of lowsec.
  4. This is an exciting game where there are many ways players can kill each other if they scheme hard enough.
  5. In the immortal words of Jack Sparrow “The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do”

For me, that’s what got me hooked.

I often wonder how many people spend their entire career in this game in hisec, safely plodding along with their orca or their mission raven, or whatever, never really progressing because there’s no adversity to contend with. They’ve never been on voice comms, never felt a sense of community, never got the shakes. I wonder how many of those people eventually just find the game boring, and consequently quit. I wonder if they’d have stayed if they’d actually been blown up, and pushed out of their comfort zone, forced to discover the real EVE.