What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I miss burn Jita! :wink: Had to be on your toes for that.

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If a betting man I’d have put a wager on slow for that one.

But either way slow and flag/pirat cap fights would be worth while sitting on a perch to watch from a distance lol.

I don’t want to watch from a distance; I want to play the game. And high-sec and wormholes (which have barely any activity) are the only places in the game where I can play without being gate-kept by sweaty spergs who are so activity-starved that they’ll hot-drop their entire coalition to gang-bang some random frigate.

Years ago, when I decided to mess in low-sec for nostalgia, I attacked some random BC with a cruiser. When a third person showed up in local, I broke range just in case, so when the Rapier finally uncloaked, I was able to quickly break tackle and warp away. As I was warping, local spiked by like 40. I was out of scan range at that point but I could only imagine what it was.

The game not having a lawless area of space where instant force projection isn’t possible is a huge oversight.


Hotdropping has killed independent Small/Medscale roaming/camping in LowSec, or better: forced everyone into the same always-escalating blueblobs like in NullSec. Turned a flourishing piracy area with many active smaller professional PvP corps into a barren wasteland of lurking Cynorecons and bored Vets spinning their BlackOps under tether in hope of tackling a stupid Rupture somewhere to gank it via CovertCyno and call it ‘content’.

Highsec ganking is fun.


Walking in stations or 40k+ player count, both were good.


‘What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?’

My partner not thinking I’m having an affair when I say ’ I’m going back to Kari’ down the mic at 3am in the Morning.


Nice ratio there.

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I agree very much with the OP, I am a 08 player (alt).

I miss the sandbox. Instead we now have forced hand gameplay and theme park thinking from CCP.

And EVE before the crude nudging and arcade gamification where a ******* “Stellar Observatory” gives you a 15% armor bonus. Really?!? How?

EVE when boosters were exotic and risky and not widely used, instead of now being heavily promoted to be another ISK sink; They found a way to tax the character itself.

I miss the drama, all the crazy, funny, rude, lager than life characters who ran alliances or commanded fleets. I miss the the forums before they were sterilized, where anyone could get insultet and a colorful update on the state of EVE, not least the epic 0.0 alliances’ wins and failures. With insider battle reports and a lot of mockery. The forums reflected a unique gaming experience, a true sandbox.

I miss EVE before P2W and instant gratification and the extreme dumbing down (I know it is a cliché, but that is what has happened). When exploration i.e. had a learning curve and took some skill.

And like the OP I find the constant “balancing” and orthogonality introduced to have had a profoundly negative effect on the experience. The now guiding concept, sandbox is dead, that every player and every ship type must have a narrow “role” - which is nothing but a drive to increase numbers.

Captain’s quarters.

Hi-Sec wars.

The NPC traffic in and out of stations! It added a feeling of continuity, that there was something bigger, a living, breathing world, than just you and your corp doing stuff.

Having a Korean hedge-fund-faux-game-developer as the ultimate owner is probably going to lead to more junk, new player retention effort bundles and arcade design, and less sandbox and rough play with a learning curve in an unbalanced non-symmetrical world. Like, you know, the real world.




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For reference, I started playing in 2009.

Things gone that I miss (to one degree or another):

  • Jukebox
  • In-game browser (for convenience sake)
  • EVE Voice (again for convenience/integration)
  • Old wardec mechanics (some changes made sense, but IMO wardec immunity shouldn’t be a thing)
  • Learning skills (only because I think the game should reward strategic/short term sacrifice for long term gain - and because I trained them all to 5 :grin:)
  • EVE Portal
  • EVE Gate

Voice comms, browser, and jukebox functionality are all available outside the game, but I dislike having to tab out to chat in Discord, or flip back and forth to e.g., look up some item on EVETycoon, skip ahead a song, or browse the forums.

CCP brought back a working jukebox as a joke, ffs. I fail to see why that feature couldn’t be added back to the game. As for the browser, in the age of Blink/Chromium, it seems like it would be fairly straightforward to integrate some kind of browser or web view capability, but IDK. Personally, I just prefer a more integrated game environment (as in, everything EVE-related available within the game interface itself).

As for EVE Portal, it was too useful to have been tossed out like yesterday’s jam. As a single-shard, persistent universe, EVE is the kind of game where immersion should be a feature. You’d think CCP would want their most dedicated players to live and breathe EVE, and to be “playing” it even when they aren’t logged into the desktop client (especially since so much of EVE is meta). Those times over the years when I was really into EVE, I wanted to be doing EVE stuff all day, not just when I got home at night and could login. So, IMHO the problem with EVE Portal and the previous social network experiment, EVE Gate, is that they didn’t go nearly far enough. You should (if you want) be able to live in the EVE Universe 24/7. Whether you’re home at your computer, stuck in a meeting at work, or in line at the grocery store, you should be able to play the market, answer in-game comms and mails, manage your skill queue, engage with your corp mates, etc.

Anyway, the other thing I wish CCP had done more with (but I don’t I miss what was actually delivered) was CQ/WIS. I wouldn’t mind seeing a reincarnation of this, provided there was some kind of meaningful gameplay associated with it. Who knows… maybe Vanguard will be the foundation for such a thing? Kinda doubt it, but hope springs eternal.


The “A significant update to Industry” thread that @CCP_Swift closed, with no explanation, 2 days ago. 65 days early by their own stated policy.

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I started in 2007 and I miss.
1.Color on the UI
2.No log in rewards
3.No free SP
4.No SP packs
5. Captains quarter because it made cloths mean something and it was awesome to stand next to your ship in the hangar and was nice to just sit in the sofa and chat with people and made you feel more in the game. I honestly which they brought it back and made it an option where people that hate it can just disable it. Honestly right now making a character is utterly pointless.


Perhaps it is a good thing that the nes store is adding new items as some of the older items that are removed become more sort after.

Though personally I am not completely happy with how the yellow space suit became over supplied resulting in the value to drop dramatically.

I think I had once paid 75 plex for that set now it’s worthless almost.

Though it still is great to see new items in the store.

Who like to shop?

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Old thread to make way for new week ranting.

Burn Jita needs to make a comeback, along with Emerging Conduits and roving Trig patrols in high sec. Those were fun.


Yeah those were great days. Wish CCP would bring it back

Was making a character utterly pointless in the 7 years before the Captain’s Quarters existed? :wink:

Yes because it´s basically a glorified profile pictures and honestly if they removed it completely no one would care because you still would be flying your ships. pvping,mining,ratting it would not affect jack crap.

Constantly bringing up Captain’s Quarters is like pining for an old girlfriend that you’ll never get back. At some point you just have to rip off the band-aid and move on…