What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I miss logging in just to update the skill queue. I miss the patience and investment of knowing that it would take a lot of time before my character could do more advanced stuff. THIS was the most unique game-selling aspect of Eve for me. Skill injectors destroyed that.


I miss the time when people would HTFU and stop whining so much. As the demographics of the playerbase changed overtime to favor more krabs and carebears, there’s been a slow but marked increase in the number of people who just want ■■■■ handed to them and if it’s not, then they whine and cry about it.


I hate to agree but I do agree. Something happened to CCP along the way and I’m part of a community hoping to ride out a storm of bad ideas.


I miss :

“Haha, you clumsy pilot !”

And all the philosophy behind it.

Now it’s :

“Oh dear, you poor pilot !”


Game’s long gone peeps.


Can flipping was fun <3


I really miss the old voice doing ‘Warp Drive Active’, ‘I cannot set a waypoint to the same location twice’, etc. I liked the accent, the subtle sound effects added, and the overall effect. The newer voice - added a few years ago I think - is more… blah.


I just got here and subscribed. Can I have anyone’s stuff?


Fixed that for ya.

this is ur opinion… not mine :wink:

i like this game!

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My Hungarian-made couch, TV and accessories that do absolutely NOTHING.

Do I win?

I like this game too… Elite dangerous gets boring soooo fast though. That is my opinion.

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Being able to buy a 30 Day PLEX for only 330 million ISK.


Going on 5 hour roams and begging to go to sleep, and getting yelled at? Maybe I won’t miss it.

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First I thought “nothing”, but after thinking about it a bit more, there is actually one thing I miss (even though technically, it’s not really “gone”, just scheduled for being goneized in the near future): Small POS!

I have an industry-alt, and for a couple years, I used a small POS for blueprint research, invention and T2-production, just plain there in the middle of HighSec.

After the new industrial structures were announced, I slowly lost interested in keeping it up and running, and during a month-long pause in playing my little indy-corp was wardecced and the by then dead and empty POS was cleaned up. I didn’t put up another one and instead moved into a new sector of space.

Then I spend some time moving production through several different of the new industry-structures, abusing other people’s hard work instead of spending the rather high (for me, at least) costs necessary for setting up and running an Upwell-structure. Several, because one after another, those structures met their doom: 1st one was eventually blown up, 2nd and 3rd one ran into trouble when the owners finally noticed what I already had noticed before the new engineer-complexes were even out, thanks to owning a calculator.

So after the third attempt at using the new structures failed 'cause the owners couldn’t do math very well, or suddenly noticed they lacked the time of keeping the structure running, or both, I moved my little industry alt and her stuff back into a convenient NPC-structure.

Nowadays, I still would really like to use one of the new industry structures, but as I lack both time and money to keep one up, and since being evicted from one you’re using because the owner had the same problems as me but additionally lacked self-awareness really sucks, I still prefer my industry-alt to stay in NPC-stations.

This state of affairs really makes me miss using a small POS for industry. Too bad CCP seems adamant of keeping small-scale producers from owning anything for themselves. A series of small Upwell-structures, even with some more restrictions, would really help people like me out.

I mean, I can get my fix from building stuff in X4, but what I really like about industry in EVE is making and selling stuff to real people, which a single-player game doesn’t really allow. Welp, anyway. So long, little POS.


What do I miss,

Pos - Really don’t rate the upwell structures. Why is it harder to take a POCO down than a small structure?

The old days of WHs - I enjoy exploration, it seems that every system has 2 or 3 whs in them

Exploration - latest update has killed it imho. No longer wandering along searching for a quiet system, just check the Agency and all the info is there

Exploration (again) - Please bring back the old mag, grav etc etc

People - Many people I have flown with have drifted away (I did for quite a while)

ISK - I remember grinding for my first BS, it took a while, we just took down an upwell from a friends WH where the char that put it there was 19 days old! Isk is just too easy to get and new players are flying ships they should be nowhere near.

Skills - You had to do learning to l5 and there were no skill extractors

Deep safe spots - Really miss these


Emergent pvp v pve gameplay, can flipping, ninja ganking, miner boomeranging, pos bowling, market scamming (still happens but much less due to CCP warnings). Stealing of mission critical items, orca jumping, sucide ganking miners prior to battleship hp tanks.

The list goes on, I liked ve before it became a pve zzzz grind fest.


can flipping, fun times. Neutrtral logi, fun. I miss the times when eve was 50-60k active players at high times. If something’s not broke, don’t “balance” it?

Places like Hek and Rens were alive, Hek had relevance as the only 0.5 hub, now? Nobody there.


Haven’t played for 5 years. Suddenly found out in chat that CCP sold itself to the desert makers. I first started playing in the days of Dark Shikari. I liked it best when the game used to be called “space spreadsheets.” and 5k would break the server. And the stealth patches would come out, everyone would scramble when the found out about the undocumented changes (of which most were) and the help channel would light up with complaints, the teals would go crazy, and if serious enough there would be GM to make a rare appearance and being unable to calm things down would announce a rollback in 5 mins. Then everyone would join hands and all would be forgiven. It was something to see. And then of course those nasty stealth changes would appear in some modified form later on . :slight_smile: And now on to the story of CCP pets…:slight_smile:


Hek is still in use as it has a SOE lvl 4 agent to jumps out it overtook Rens, Rens is dead, like Rens is really dead now not even a hub anymore. But the decline in hubs is less about player numbers and more due to citdadels which gave everyone risk free jump freighter access to Jita. There is no point for any group with a JF to shop anywhere other than Jita.


When a place that would average 400-500 at high times and now you don’t have to scroll through local, it’s dead, the SOE standings are great for pve’ers but not for me.