Rens is not dead.
Deader than a well aged steak.
It has like 30 perps in it now, that is dead. Rens can in any metric no longer be considered a trade hub. At mos it is a satalite outpost of Hek.
Bullcrap, I’m based in Rens and every time I log in there’s at least twice that amount in local.
Its dead Jim
Seriously other than raw mats from the nearby mining systems there is really no point to go there you can’t usually build a ship off of the market.
Are you based there?
I am and I can buy most materials needed to produce all kinds of items.
I am based in JITA. Buy my implants today.
Not only binary stars , the normal stars do not work properly in New Eden . Ships never explode when come across the stars. Seems like those stars don’t have any energy left but glowing.
This is what I miss in EVE.
Uncluttered space and the opportunity to catch targets not on a choke point (Gates). Now a days there are so many safe places with these stupid structures everywhere.
3900 views and 170 replies. I hope CCP is reading this thread.
walking on stations, is what i miss the most
I add to my list…I really miss the old ccp and when eve was good. Fozzie sov was one of the dark corners we turned.
Setting up probe formations manually…
Oh wait
We used to have contests as to who could scan down the target fastest! If I remember correctly, we used 4 probes and it took apx 2 min. Fun days indeed!
I dont know who that imposter is but its not her.
What I miss is the OLD old CCP with Oveur et al. It all went wrong when those people got replaced. Kinda like bodysnatchers.
I miss the big 0.0 sovereignty wars and how easy it was to lose or take sovereignty. The simplicity of simply shooting the hell out of each other to occupy a system rather than zooming around systems to hack nodes. Also I miss being forced to mine in belts and scanning down hidden ore sites for the good stuff in 0.0. It feels like too much of what use to be fun in null has been neutered and made too easy or too boring to enjoy.
2003-2007 with current graphics.
Suck it up with your “nostalgia” inbound insults, you really have zero clue what you’ve missed.