What do you think the name of the next expansion will be?

I imagine everyone does in real life ( except psychopaths ) but this is EvE, there is no room for cuddly-fluff. Destruction rules New Eden.


Nasty little things…


I have a feeling it’ll be Equinox.

Are you suggesting that you might pivot on your axis?

The next expansion will be depredation

I think CCP will finally dispense with lame fig-leaf titles and go with:

EVE: Pleonexia!

“Pleonexia, originating from the Greek πλεονεξία, is a philosophical concept which roughly corresponds to greed, covetousness, or avarice, and is strictly defined as ‘the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others’”.
Wikipedia (edited).

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Then they should just name the next expanion Aiko… for her extreme greed for wealth, material or possessions!

I hope she’s paying you rent for living in your head.

A land of ash and desolation, wouldn’t it be wonderful.

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On the contrary the Frostpacker clan pays rent to Aiko (usually on a monthly basis) for the privilege of her living rent free in their heads. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think the next expansion would be called:

Eve Automaton

All the AI in the game uses diamond npc’s AI, even in missions.

The NPC faction’s have their own capsuleers called doomheim that hunt players down, warp to them with inti’s and call in their fleet.

They decloak next to players in t3c’s, set up their own gate camp’s with insta lockers and they even do their own burn Jita taking out all ships with swarms of npc’s in High.

Players think they know hell but they havn’t even seen passed the front door.

A horror expansion.

In a trailer you would see a nullbear hoving over the undock button shouting I DON’T KNOW MAN, ITS ALL OVER MAN.

I hate and hesitated to say it but that guy is a lost cause. No so attractive anymore, bending the knee to those who take advantage of him.
He should change his portrait to

I’ve noticed this multiple times now: Why are you often replying to a different post (shown in the upper right corner of your post) than the one you actually write your response to? :thinking:

I’m female. I’m not supposed to make sense.

Another Option for the next expansion:

Eve Online Cognition (all based around information and intelligence gathering)

Local Chat is removed from the game, D-scan is upgraded and now gets highlighted in color’s according to overview settings for player ship/structures/probes and so on.

Cloaking Overhaul where your ship sensor strength has more uses:
Enemy decloak range = Closest unit sensor strength / Cloaked ship sensor strength x 10.

Cloaky Loki with a a sensor str of 20.4 is sneaking up on a brutix navy issue with a sensor str of 26.4/20.4*10 = 12.9km’s is the range at which the loki decloaks from the BNI.

Interceptors get a D-scan upgrade letting them D-scan up to 30AU.

Everything in dangerous area’s go up in value:
Ore in these location’s have a new veriant that refines for 50% more than default.
Bounties go up by 25%.
C1’s and C2’s get double the amount of Spawns to increase loot per site.
C4’s get more cruiser spawns increasing site income by 25%
Sleepers and Drifters in Pochven now drop blue loot.

New Command Shroud: (Debuff)

Veil: All ship’s in the area of the shroud get their D-scan reduced by a %.
Breach: All ship’s in the area of the shroud receive % less cap from remote cap transfers.
Fog: All ship’s in the area of the shroud have their sensor strength reduced by a %

Since Equinox is released around Summer Solstice, then I assume next update will be called Equinox 2 (JMR albums, got it?) since it will be released around Winter Solstice :stuck_out_tongue:


coz it’s time (or will be, after June’s release).


Maybe it will be called:

Rise of the Ice Miner

:eyes: :thinking: :blush:


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The name? i suggest ‘COPY/Paste no 5 and you even do not see it idiots’ or something along those lines… :slight_smile: