What happened to Eve?


Have you looked at my killboard? Who have i shot that was defenseless?

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yes i did :smiley: and your kills are full of miners and poor sobs who tried their luck in lowsec :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: probably just accidentally travelling through in their carebear ships

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Prove it. Link a kill of miners in lowsec.

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You are a nullsec dweller, you should know that systems with negative security rating are not lowsec…

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Same old ginger viking, same old game, who knew. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The games become a cesspool of toxicity & ganking (sorry elite PvP).
Thanks to big beautiful blue donuts, Alpha clones & Chinese botters.

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You’re assuming he actually plays the game.

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…By developers?



You are certainly making a mistake with your understanding of that graph. For example, what about Captials? You need to build the components first, and then combine those components to create the end product, the capital ship. Do those get counted twice? What about PI? The best thing to look at in that graph, is Mining VS Destruction, which are perfectly balanced.

This guy would disagree with you. But please, explain, why would that make my question a Straw Man? Part of the fact that Players are less predictable, should be factored into why PVP has a more heavier impact, no?

I didnt say “All it takes”, but you were the one who was making contradictory statements.

Yeah, Im not CCP, I dont care. Making EVE better isnt my day job.

I dont think you understand what you said.

Thats quite the claim. I hope youve got evidence and facts to back it up.

Couple of things…
Eve gets to be addictive to some extent. I stopped playing any number of times. Mostly because I got tired of getting my ass kicked by overwhelming hordes of hostiles. It gets two “expensive” ISK wise to try and fight the gangs. It took a while to figure out how to keep a mining company solvent and still mine in low-sec. Yes I am one of those “boring” miner types. Running a mining operation and staying alive is not as boring as you think. Have to be sharp to avoid losing valuable equipment and getting podded. While PVP is a pain the ass to me, it does add challenge to us boring types. I’ve long since gotten over that “God damn it, you sank my battleship” frame of mind. Losing the occasional transport or barge is the cost of playing EVE.
In spite of the general consensus, I don’t want the whole social interaction that the majority claims is what EVE is really about. For me the game is a chance to get away from it all and explore space on my own terms. Don’t like others telling me what to do in the real world. I’ll be damned if I’ll allow that to happen in a video game. I am perfectly comfortable with my own style of play, thank you very much.
Your right, the sandbox gets a bit old. How many times can you look at the same lava planet, station, or gate. There is variety, but not a whole lot if you’ve wandered around a bit. EVE is not Star Citizen as cool as that would be, Star Citizen is forever under development and also lacking in some variety. If I’m correct the planets are so detailed there a very few to visit. Same for the spacecraft. While it would be wonderful to be able to tour my mining barges or have actual crews, CCP would probably have to scrap all the code and start over and go bankrupt in the process. (I miss the captains quarters, made for great photo ops).
Likewise for Elite Dangerous. Lots of cool stuff but I’m not sure I want to spend my golden years wandering slowly through the Milky Way. I want to explore the planets not using my time hopping across countless light years of empty space. Once again it would be cool to see the inside of my ship and actually land on foreign world’s. I am pretty sure that would develop a send of sameness over time. I’m thing that No Man’s Sky gets to be much the same. No matter what game developers do they can never match the actual variety that astrophysics and evolution that exists in the real world. Our games are kinda like the original Star Trek. To paraphrase Eddie Izzard, you beam down to the same three rocks everywhere in the universe.
There are little things that CCP does that are annoying, at least to me. I wish they’d fix the damn billboards. I think it was stupid and unrealistic to have Travalgians tell everyone “Hey, we are coming to get you”. Kinda lost the element of surprise, one of the most effective weapons an adversary can muster. I would have rather found out on Scope like we did with the Drifters. Scope is another reason I miss the billboards, captains quarters, etc. I long for the days when Pandemic and other factions advertised. I want to find the guy with glasses and pod the bastard.
I also don’t understand the new Skilling thing, Seems to me the PVP players don’t need motivation. I do understand wanting skillpoints, but I would think they’d be perfectly happy with their current level of bloodlust. They are plenty dangerous just as they are in my way of thinking.
Anyway, I’ve prattled on far too long. Not sure I remember what I was trying to say to begin with :slight_smile:
Fly Safe!
Ket Ama’Kel

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Have you tried the SRV in ED?

You should its hellafun

EVE online is not for making real world money.

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