What happened to Eve?

First of all there IS no ‘aggression’ in opposing trump and his supporters…just the truth,something those people have no clue what it means…

Secondly it’s ok for you to stalk someone but you call calling someone trump supporter ‘personal aggression’?

Wow i smell double standards here…

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Yep. I’m out. You guys have fun.

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And I did not claim there was.
Learn to read.

And Again.
and Agaaaaaaaain.

How Trump appeared in EVE discussion? Did he buy Pearl Abyss or something?


Because the types of people that think Trump is to blame for everything are the same types of people that create threads like this…


Darlo is explaining that though his own views align perfectly with the bewigged one, he’s morally superior to anyone else holding those views.

He also brought Politics, so after Trolling and Flaming, thats the trifectora to get this dumpster fire closed.

Hes very good at that.


Almost as much as DMC !!


Like what they did .

And somebody clever would have understood that your opinion is therefore completely irrelevant.

Wait, I’m doing your mom first.

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Yeah I have a bad eyesight, I accidentally also did your daddy.

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As the ancient chinese proverb goes…

A lion that chases after 2 rabbits, will end up catching neither.

In other words, if you try to go after two different groups of players, you will end up with a very confused game where neither groups will stick around for very long.

Eve has pioneered itself as a pvp focused game. Doesnt mean there is no PVE, but it does mean that it has a reputation, and players appreciate and enjoy that aspect of the game. And these are the same players that have been paying for eve and spending actual money on it. It does CCP no good if they get 5000 alpha players that spend zero dollars on the game while alienating the 1000 or so players who do spend money.


Go to sov null and see the claimed but unused blue donut wasteland. Go 30 jumps without seeing anyone but if somehow you do they will be cowering in a citadel when seeing you in local


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No it wasnt a rant actually. Forum trolls are so bitter that they think anything that doesnt agree with their twisted perception is a rant. If you knew me, you would know i dont rant. I state facts and observations and opinions but i dont have the little emotional meltdowns poorly disguised as “clever” remarks that the little forum trolls recycle thread after thread as they try to one up each other on the troll coolness factor.

Aww how cute that you defend the devs honor. Did i mention i have been playing Eve for over a decade? In that time i have watched as the devs have grown Eve from 18-25k active logins daily peak to over 50k active logins daily peak and then watch in a span of about 5 years as its dwindled from over 50k daily peak logins to barely mustering 25k.

All the former players ive talked to( dozens) have stated the issues with Eve for why they moved on. Its stagnant. The content is old and boring. I can fly 300 ships…doing the same exact things in the same exact systems i did 10 years ago. The blue donut and the excessively large ships( capitals) kill game play. I hear the same things over and over than have caused my alliance and corp mates to leave over the years, that caused me to leave, that i hear about being the reason random former players left.

But go ahead and bury your head in the sandbox and pretend that what the devs have been doing is working.

That is fearmongering. And we are not talking about reinventing the wheel here. We are just adding actual content rather than being lazy and saying " players make their own content". Yeah they dont.

MMOs must evolve or die. This is a rule for all MMOs. Either provide new things for people to do or die of stagnation as players get bored and leave for…(drumroll) new content. Adding more ships to the sandbox simply is not enough to sustain an mmo. Tweaking gameplay is not enough. Shuffling ship stats so it looks like you actually did something is not enough.

I see a lot of trolls complaining about any mention of change. Having their little meltdowns because they dont like game change. In denial about the sad state of Eve. Of course many of these forum lurkers appear to be wet behind the ears on the Eve timeline. barely a couple of years old. They dont remember what Eve was and what is now. When quality trumped all. When the devs would roll out a hotfix for something in 48 hours of it being discovered. As i said, the quality of the game has severely went downhill. And im not talking about just content in the game. The controls are very clunky and non-responsive sometimes requiring multiple commands to accomplish the same task.

Also your little “10 year old” insult doesnt bother me, but ironically it DOES make you look childish. So really you insult yourself with such comments, good job. Try having an adult conversation sometime, you might actually like it.

I agree. The passion seems to have left the dev team. I use to love Eve’s dev team and their customer service. I use to brag about Eve and CCP all over the internet any chance i got. I think what may have happened is the founders left and took the passion for the game with them. The dev team which was hired in part because they shared that same passion, was now being managed by an investment company who only cares about profits and not actual products. " Just make something that makes a lot of money with little cost and risk" started to become the new mantra. While the dev team continued to resist and do things the old way, the way that made the game a successful award winning game, it became disheartening and exhausting to constantly try to provide the content they were use to delivering under the new company motto of “ATM Machine”.

As the game started to decline the original investors sold it to the current owners who now only care about wringing the last bit of profit out of it before scrapping the company and offering employees that fall in step other jobs. This is SO common in the game industry. As soon as a game’s founder sells the game to someone the game instantly starts to go downhill and you know that its life is more than likely coming to an end at that point. For Eve that happened when the last founder left and no one at the top had a passion for Eve. Now even the devs have given up or had their hands severely tied and Eve is in the saddest shape i have seen it in since i started playing.

It has always been like that on forums though. You always have resident trolls that no matter what you post they jump in with: 1) Criticism about a post they obviously didnt even read, 2) memes, 3) personal attacks, 4) bait.

I dont know if they think it makes them look smart or cool or if it stems from low self esteem or they have not matured yet or some other mental issues. But its actually really sad people think acting that way on public forum is funny or cool. It tells me they probably have an unhealthy mentality and should probably spend less time on social media and more time in therapy.

From your residence in my thread, i would say your hobby is trolling with a side of heavy trolling.

I feel like someone is trying to sabotage my thread with their real world BS.

You shouldnt make assumptions about people based on a single thread they create when you cant even form an intelligent rebuttal. Also leave your real world garbage out of my thread. Want to talk real politics go make your own thread.

Wow its like being in junior high. Why do i have the feeling you purposely derail and troll thread as personal challenge to see how fast you can get them closed?


I wasn’t the one that brought it up…


Follow the quotes and you will see who that someone was. Or use the search.

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Well that’s a rant for sure.

People seem to get some weird impressions here:

  1. That Eve is a PVP focused game. Its not. Its really a PVP/PVE balanced game. A PVP focused game would remove all the grinding and harvesting of resources and focus on PVP. I believe they call them Battle Arenas, wheras New Eden would be the arena. The game caters to carebearing as much as it does PVP and provides both content and tools for both.

Using your analogy. CCP provides lush fields for the rabbits to collect food( resources) in and provides food ( fat rabbits) for the lions. Had this been a PVP only game their would be no need to waste resources on providing lush pastures and drinking water for the prey we could have simply thrown the rabbits in a pit and let the lions consume them. Or better yet get rid of the rabbits and throw two lions in the pit and get rid of the rabbits and resources.

  1. It is a misconception that players are either PVPers or PVEers. This is an extreme stance from hardcore gamers that laser focus on whatever they like to do in video games. This is the extremism that plagues the world today. If you are something you must be it to the extreme.

In reality most normal people are very much in the middle. Casual gamers are what sustains video games in monetary terms. They are typically career people with families and lives that game some and will often pay to move faster in a game because they dont have the time to spend.

These casual gamers are actually both PVP and PVE gamers. Id say over 90% of the gamers i encounter enjoy doing both to one degree or another in both this and other games. Very few people want to log in and mine all the time, plex all the time, or gank all the time. Those people are in the extreme minority.

Another misconception. PVEers spend as much money on Eve as PVPers. In fact they probably spend more. You know how many miners i know that play like 3-6 accounts at time. Most of them mine with a Rorq and 2-4 hulks and have a cyno and either a faux or carrier on standby. Cant do that on alphas.

The alphas provide content but also CCP needs to look at to why Alphas are not becoming Omegas. Why are Alphas not subscribing? Every game needs new blood as you cannot retain old players indefinitely. And the old player base has significantly dwindled as they no longer have reasons to play.

But i applaud your well thought out counterpoints.

I live in null and have for 95% of my Eve life. I am very familiar with it. You should stop playing on singularity and join the rest of us on tranquility though. There is no where in Eve you can go 30 jumps without seeing someone…maybe if you do it right after downtime in an inty and get extremely lucky. Even if you dont see anyone in local right at the moment you are there you know people spend time there because their are structures everywhere built by players.

Your argument is the equivalent of saying " No one is home during the work day in this cul-de-sac, so its unused!" Despite the 6 houses, 3 boats, 3 dozen kid toys, and other signs of humans telling you people are here and use this space daily.

Unused space is what wormholes were the first week or so after launch. Not 150 null systems owned by a major alliance that has multiple players produced/anchored structures in.every.single.system. Im talking about the wilderness and you are talking about an urban center at 2 am on a tuesday.


What a load of shyte.


While I agree that 30 jumps is an exaggeration, there are mostly empty (in terms of players) systems even in highsec.