When trying to explain Eve,
I often encounter nothing but incredulous disbelief.
Especially those from other games,
Who know something of virtual pain,
‘You should just stop. That game sounds like a job. That’s lame.’
But after work, ya know what you’re about
Just can’t wait to log on that WoW account.
Gonna run some dungeons, or maybe PVP till ya pass out?
Maybe run a BG…
No thanks. Been there, done that. Not for me.
I’m too busy writing fleet doctrines, protocols, and SOPs.
Engineering starships, working out complex and nuanced strategies.
Learning how to manage multi-cultural teams, under duress, on a clock.
Eve doesn’t stop. It’s beyond belief. Like some sort of spaceship Texas-Hold 'Em meets Chess in 4-D.
Eve space is a rough place,
Where no where is safe,
But it’s no mere ‘game’,
It’s not a time waste,
Yea, it’s digital misery & strife,
In other games you level up a character,
But in Eve you level up your life.