What is Causing EVE to Die?

EVE has been dying for a long time, almost as soon as she was born. But what is causing this general malaise, this certain death that we all one day must face?

-1 Carebears?
-2 Miners?
-3 Mission runners?
-4 Gankers?
-5 Multiboxers?
-6 Botter?
-7 RMTers?
-8 CCP Rattati?
-9 CCP?
-10 Nullseccer?

And what can be done to slow down the rotting process?
You all have your pet theory on why she’s dying. Let’s hear it of forever hold your piece!
Pick your poison and let the games begin!

I say EVE is dying because 20 years for a game is like 80 years in human life and she’s tired of being abused for profit!
But what say you?


Everyone knows it is because of gwankers.


Frostpacker wordsalads. :wink:



The lack of a cheaper(er) alternative to an Omega subscription (doesn’t have to have the same features as an Omega). PLEX’ing your account is now almost a part-time job. And Alphas need to be nerfed!


I agree with that. I have a feeling that EVE will be free when players count will drop below 5,000.
Until then, CCP will stubbornly hold onto that Omega subscription like their lives depend on it.
Hell, wouldn’t surprise me if they raised subscription prices a few more times before EVE really kicks the bucket.

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As it is causing everything else to die, time also causes EVE to die.

Over time players get older, other competing games appear. Over time people get bored with the same content if the game is stagnant, or they will complain when the game is updated because it’s not as it used to be.

One thing however has been constant all these decades regardless of time:

EVE is dying.


That’s been trending for 20 years.

The die hards won’t allow it, there kids kids will be playing this game while they tell stories in there rocking chairs of how the Saviorettes New Order Peace Keepers kept highsec secure for the second and third generation Code descendents.


“What is Causing EVE to Die?”

Ah…the good old loaded question logical fallacy. What would Eve Forums be without people turning questions into statements for which they’ve provided zero actual evidence !

Have you stopped eating pet goldfish yet ?



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It’s all the gankers fault! If they didn’t attack defenseless ships like wussies then many many players wouldn’t have quit and those players would all be Omega veterans by now!

Well YES!! :rage:

Ban the ganker wussies!!

Nerf that wuss activity! Nerf Ganking and EVE will stop dying!


I say starting a thread so you can talk to yourself with three of your own characters is just a little tiny bit weird.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


You know nothing! Carebear! You’re a disgrace to the game! You’re not worth the clone you woke up into! Go back under the rock you crawled out of!

Haha, even Epeen is making fun of the antigankers.


What is causing Eve to die… The same thing it was when CCP opened it doors. People posting that the game is dying. Yep, another thread of Eve Is Dying, Eve! Is! Dying!

Eve may one day die. Companies come and go over time. CCP in the grand scheme of things is just another company. Is it dying anytime in the near future. Nope. Not unless something unexpectedly cataclysmic happens. I expect Eve and CCP to be here for a good number of years.


11 - Nothing

Eve is actually going to be doing better and better. They have been promoting the game and advertising like crazy so hopefully that will continue to give us new players to kill, err, I mean to play with.


I wouldn’t say Eve is dying as much as it is evolving (Devolving?) It seems to me that the game designers are trying to move away from a sandbox type game to a more scripted format.

This game didn’t used to have a free option. Those were the days.

I agree that Alpha needs to be nerfed.

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I agree that Omega subscription needs to cost 35£ and be raised 5£ per year. CCP families need to eat after all.

That model would only work if Capsuleers stop extracting skill points to roll them over month after month, etc