What is Causing EVE to Die?

Indeed…the point is that potential new players reading all the ‘Eve is dying’ stuff may well question why they’d start playing a ‘dying’ game. So the true irony becomes that the very people who make out they care so much about Eve become the people responsible for its demise. It is called ‘poisoning the well’.

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Can you prove this? Where is your evidence that people read the forums and decide to quit?

They come on to the forums, rant and quit as don’t like the replies so yes, they quit after reading the forums.


There’s no evidence, it’s called “repeating the same stupid thing over and over again” in the hopes that somebody will believe it. Also, Gloria never supports their statements, they just deny the reality of any data they disagree with.

CCP and other devs have literally proven that one huge factor that drives people out of MMOs featuring full PvP is being victimized by player-killers, PKers, griefers, whatever you want to call them. See this post:

While not the only factor in causing fewer players to remain in EVE, wardecs and ganking certainly result in thousands and more likely tens of thousands of players leaving EVE every year.

Gloria does both. Hence why waving their arms so frantically saying “No no the problem is people who talk about ganking, not the actual gankers!”.

Gloria is one of a small percentage of EVE players who literally squat in high sec, the starter point of the game, p1ssing in the well… and then accuse anyone who points that out as “killing EVE”.

Understand, I don’t advocate the complete removal of ganking or of wardecs. EVE is intended to be harsh. But there’s harsh and then there’s just plain stupid. So far CCP is being stupid, and EVE is paying the price. And as the post I linked shows, they even know they’re paying the price and are asking players/the CSM for help in resolving it.


I did do those things, I just say they do not work. Reading comprehension problem?

So you don’t think people constantly whining ‘Eve is dying’ on the forums has ANY effect on the potential noobs you pretend to care oh so much about ?

You don’t think ANY people EVER read those posts and think ’ Heck…why would I want to join a dying game ?’

All your hypocritical stance against ganking…and there’s you lot busy ganking people’s expectations before they ever get the chance to log in for the first time.

Utter hypocrites…the lot of you.

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Indeed, bring back the old war dec system.

That was pretty dumb don’t you think?

Yet you failed.


All I know is that on these forums. Is that gankers cry about the dearth of targets… shrugs

I guess people need to complain about something.

No, if for example you look at the killboard for Safety you will see there were more kills last year than in the previous three. Actual facts anyone can check. So much for ganking killing the game. There’s no lack of targets.

What about people like me, who joined because of the possibility of being ganked? Playing a game where there is no safe place, and dangers are lurking in the shadows?

I know I’m not alone in this. Seems ironic that the study only focused on one aspect, but failed to consider the opposite. That dangers of being ganked can, and does draw in potential players looking for the thrill of danger. I mean, it’s along the same vein of horror games.


OMG…I do PvP in a PvP game ! Shocking !

At least I have undocked since 2017…eh.

Yes. dscan is indeed your friend and so is paying attention to your overview. I am amazed at times that for some people keep expecting this game to be a vanilla MMO. Pissed when it shown that in EVE you need to pay attention to everything going on around you.

That the tools provided to a pilot are not there for window dressing. But need to be utilized. EVE is unapologetically a brutal game. Show me a career path that does not include some risk at some point and I will show you a career path that does not exist.

Even for the players that sit docked up in Jita, ect playing the market. Can literally lose their fortune in one bad deal. Eve is for those that want to dance on an edge of crumbling cliff. As the man once said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right.” -The Gambler (Kenny Rogers)

This is not directed at you Gloria, but at those who complain that either the game is dying or get mad when they get blown out of the sky.


As I said people need to complain about something…

You are definitely not alone in that stance. And I mean…when’s the last time Kezrai sat outside Jita in range of half a dozen Tornados, waiting for smaller fry in the form of suspects ? Being both the hunter and the hunted is the most thrilling thing in Eve.

But what would someone who sits in their docked up ivory tower, and shows no sign of having undocked since 2017, know about any of this ?

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It has close to zero effect, yes. It’s fairly well known that less than 5% of a playerbase reads the forums. And almost all of that is done after they join and start playing, in order to answer some question or complain about something.

Ask yourself this: when was the last time you saw a thread saying “Hey guys I am thinking of downloading EVE Online to play. What can you tell me about the game before I start?”

Hell, even “Man the player base and game here is so toxic I’m quitting” posts are like, a couple a month. Statistically this is virtually nothing vs. the size of the turnover (around 10,000 players per week, according to CCP).

Today’s players are far more likely to look at overall game review scores on Steam or Metacritic. Which say “Mostly positive” and “6.9 out of 10”, respectively. Not exactly poison.

Really, siince you’re the person literally squatting in high sec p1ssing in the well with ganking and wardecs, which has been proven and stated by CCP as greatly concerning and harmful to the game - calling me the hypocrite for sticking to the facts while you try to blame your harm on non-factors - that’s the biggest laugh I’ve had today.


Come up with some numbers on how many people ‘like you’ joined the game for that reason. Then we’ll talk.

Otherwise all the proven facts stated by professional devs say that unrestricted PvP leads to a relatively small number of players driving a huge number of players out of the game. As already shown in the post linked above.

It’s hilarious how many people want to deny the published statements by high-end, professional developers while providing nothing of their own. Or by saying “Well I like those things so they must be good”.

News flash: the game isn’t all about you. Not even if there’s 2,000 other people just like you. You’re a drop in the bucket, unless you can prove otherwise.


They don’t. “We took PvP out and playerbase doubled”. That’s a pretty clearly statement on the opposite effect. And feel free to check out all those games where they implemented separate PvP and PvE servers. The PvP servers are ghost towns compared to the PvE.

Again, you require ultimate proof of exactly the issue, but have zero proof to support your own side. There’s a reason gankers and wardeccers have to lie, twist, ignore and misrepresent facts in order to make their case… it’s because they don’t have one.


Oh don’t be silly. Everyone knows that reviews have an effect. And those sort of posts are basically a review. A negative one.

Well its odd how I’m demanded proof of what I say, yet you blurt out endless claims without ever feeling the need to provide one iota of evidence.

Actually there was just such a post not that long ago.

Actually, a substantial portion of my 1400 kills ( 3 Trillion worth ) are in lowsec and null. Oh…and your ‘quotes’ from CCP getting in a tizzy are from 2018…you forgot to mention that bit. If it was such a vastly urgent issue…howcome CCP have done absolutely nothing about it for 7 years ?

It’s far more hilarious how you have to desperately search around for something, anything, so you can find a few quotable lines out of thousands…and even those are from a meeting 7 years ago. You even include a quote from a CSM member saying wardecs should be stopped…yet that very same CSM member has been quite happily getting involved in wardecs in the 7 years since…lol.

All I see from you is selection bias, from your little docked up ivory tower in which you pretend expertise in PvP despite having not done any in…oh look…its that 7 year figure again.

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