What is Causing EVE to Die?

They’re called fanboiiis, every game’s got 'em and they’re so fun to tease.

It’s true that it ain’t over until the fat lady sings

but CCP isn’t doing anything to retain their players, much less attract new players, so through all the nerfing, scarcity and rotten mechanics it isn’t surprising that the ‘EVE is dead’ meme has had a long life in the history of the game.
Player numbers are low and confidence in CCP is slipping to all-time low as well. I really hope that the game has another 20 years ahead of it but the present reality doesn’t support that wish, not by a long shot.

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Two things…

  1. Concurrency is not population…even though many seem to discuss it as such. You could have wildly different concurrency with the exact same number of active players. You could go from 60K concurrency to 30K with the exact same number of active players simply logging in for half as much time. So…a lower concurrency does not mean that same percentage less people are actually playing the game. It is undoubtedly also determined by log in duration.

  2. People trying to make a point will always deliberately seek the highest and lowest numbers for comparison. The actual concurrency highs of 60K or so ( 2012 if I recall correctly ) were quite short duration peaks, and the overall high in that period was around 50K…yet people deliberately use the brief 60K peaks as a starting point. In recent times I’ve seen concurrency of 32-33K…which has actually been an increase on last year, and comparing 50K with 33K is much more realistic…and then bear my point (1) in mind again.


I get Eve Online adverts several times a day in Youtube…so Eve is definitely being actively promoted.

I tend to cite the example of the original Half Life as a model for what CCP should do. The developers went for what they enjoyed playing, and ended up creating one of the best games of all time. The minute the marketing department then gets hold of a game for later iterations and try to bring in more people is when things go wrong…because I doubt the average marketing department person has ever played a computer game. That is why, for example, a game like Earth 2160 is pants compared with the original Earth 2150…and why so many hark on about Morrowind being the best Elder Scrolls release.

Games should only be developed by people who play them extensively. That is the key to success…so send all those marketing guys on a long holiday and Eve will succeed.


I agree :100: % :+1:

Also, the best is Skyrim in that series.

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What you should find strange is that these threads are almost exclusively started and populated by bored gank alts.

Then again, if you’ve been around for a while, it should not be so strange. It’s not exactly a new thing in this forum. But it sure is catnip for the terminally angry.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Frostpackers are irrelevant

EVE will never die as there will always be mindless F1 Monkeys, dumb sheep and predators to prey on them


Are you saying that Fatt Albert is a ganker?

Maybe so but at least it gets people to discuss important issues and permits the members to get to know each other better.
I made a bestie these past couple of days, @Chad_Frostpacker is an awesome person.
I say let the discussions continue, sir.

As far as I can tell, he doesn’t even exist.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Well, he did create the thread so obviously he must exist or must have existed.
Maybe he got biomassed.

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I don’t think EVE is dying, but there are few reasons why it’s ‘trending down’.

It’s an old game. It was designed years ago for the type of player that don’t exist anymore. Today it’s all about instant gratification, no-risk PvP, lootboxes, etc. For some people it’s just unacceptable that they will be loosing 10% of their income to gankers or they need to play for few years to reach certain level and fly certain ships.
How to fix it: Don’t! EVE has it’s niche that will be getting smaller and smaller, but fixing that would require a fundamental changes and that’s not an option.

Poor advertisement. I knew about EVE shortly after it’s release, but I only started to play few years ago. For 15 years I was convinced it’s some kind of space fighter simulator and I wasn’t interested. Once I learned what this game REALLY is, I started the account immediately.
How to fix it: By adjusting the messaging to reflect real EVE. I realize that those stories about massive battles sound good and it may be easier to acquire new players this way, but the goal should be to acquire players that will be willing to stay for multiple years.

Since the game is very old, new players have a very limited options to make any impact. That’s a problem both on the player level (it’s hard to compete with veterans) and alliance level (null blocks).
How to fix it: Impossible. Someone at CCP would have to understand that scarcity mostly impacts new players. They would also have to understand that it’s worth to support smaller alliances. I don’t think this can ever happen.

METAs have a very strong position. Min/maxing, multiboxing, botters - all that seems to be way more important than pure fun from playing the game and experimenting with ships. From a new player perspective hitting that wall may be a bit intimidating and discouraging.
How to fix it: Impossible. People exploiting METAs would never accept it and they are a large part of the player base.

EVE is a bit like a vintage sports car. To expensive, incompatible with the modern world and having multiple problems just because of it’s age. I’m glad that it still exists.

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Kind of like that word.


Sounds refreshing!


It seems 2012 was a highly pivotal year for all MMOs across the map. Guild Wars 2 arrived and many players from Guild Wars original hated it. While it did increase in eye candy and game mechanics ( jumping and swimming ) the overall feel was compared to World of Warcraft. While they ran the same buy to play model GW2 never out sold the original. Then in 2015 they shifted to free to play model. In 2012, Cryptic Studios Star Trek Online went from subscription to free to play. The developer was beta testing their new 3rd game Neverwinter D&D hooking up with Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. In that same year, Blizzard executives stated the drop in subscriptions to WoW, may have also been due to the recent release of BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic released that year.

I would say, there was a major shake up roughly between 2012 to 2018 of games going free to play. The idea is to supplement the loss of players in the game with warm bodies, even if they only stay short term. The problem was in doing so, they opened the doors to RMT, bots, and spammers.

Well I am done here, I don’t want to continue to contribute to another fake news death thread. We all know these are as, Mr. Epeen said, catnip for the terminally angry. They are generated by internet trolls who hide their profile and lurk in shadows getting their jolly as they drool.

Have fun!



@Zaera_Keena I’m glad you agree :slightly_smiling_face:

Even after fang claimed to had blocked frosty, the bond is stronger than any petty dispute between them that let’s everyone understand that nothing can break up New Eden as we are stronger together than apart!


#1. Spys
They should be IP banned and tools should be in game to find them.

Fix the wd sys.

Give the players who want to fight better targets than new players.

Fixing the wd sys is something the player base as well as the dev’s cannot come up with. A balanced sys. Give the players who want to fight but not be part of a null blk a chance to make small teams again.

For all my yrs on the forums, no dev or player has come up with a solution that works.

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Maybe they don’t want a solution. Maybe they’re happy to shoot fish in a barrel and call themselves “elite”.

The more I think about EvE “PvPers” the more I think about one word: Pathetic

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Technically they’re ‘private’ servers, however at least one of them has received official development approval from NCSoft:

I agree that “game servers shut down” = ‘dead’. However most posts are about “EVE is dying” as in losing players and in some cases, game content or options. Although as you say, some population loss is standard for older games.

That said, for many players a ‘dead’ game is one that simply doesn’t have the players, the activity, or the development effort to be interesting anymore. If it’s dropped so far off the radar that it’s not worth playing, that’s equivalent to dead for some.

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CCP and their total ignorance and constant search for some magic (NFTs, FPS, Mobile, etc…) bullet to increase revenue…

They make the game, Eve Online, more hostile to players every week. They cater to the same clique groups who have ‘run’ the game for 15 years, and only reinforce the insurmountable gap between the haves and have-nots every single day.

My real job is less tedious than ANYTHING in Eve Online today, and I actually get reward from my real job. Eve just punishes and takes. Reward is the rarest idea in Eve Online today. Events are limited, and if you do have the hours and hours to spend searching for sites, the rewards, if you ever find a site, are hardly above basic Level 4 loot.

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