What is Causing EVE to Die?

Safe to assume they already know it. :wink:


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Thanks for being there.

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According the the mirror on the wall, Zaera is the smartest of them all.

Iceacid is such a liar.

Chad likes whatever Zaera tells him to

incoherent lore/ inadequate lore progression.

EVE online lore has the potential to be more engaging than many best-selling science-fiction novels, am not even getting into player-stories.
It has the potential such that non-eve players will play eve to be part of this engaging science-fiction lore first hand instead of experiencing it as a third-person as in a movie/novel. In the past graphics was a customer acquisition pull, now its time for the in-game lore created by the devs to be the pull which brings in new customers and raises revenue for the IP.

CCP already makes op trailers, whats stopping them from expanding the lore weekly/monthly in a coherent & engaging manner?

what do you say? @CCP_Swift


No…I think quite the reverse is the case. There is already way too much lore in this alleged ‘sandbox’. People need something that differentiates EVE from something like Homeworld. And in any good sandbox MMO that ought to be the ability to create their own storyline and histories.

Instead we have a ‘sandbox’ that is micro-managed to the nth degree.

The sole purpose of PvE should be as practice and incentivisation for PvP…not as a means to its own end. I’ve encountered a lot of people in chat saying that even level IV missions are boring…which doesn’t surprise me as scripted stuff always has limited scope and seldom has that variability and unpredictability that comes from humans.

And if EVE is dying, that is why. People are bored…and all CCP ever do is add more boring ‘content’ whilst eliminating yet more PvP opportunities because of the bored carebears. What EVE really needs is less safety, more carnage, and more opportunity for people to ‘do their own thing’ as the advert says.

Make EVE great again.

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That’s because you’re looking into the The Mirror of Erised.

Look, if you all want PvP then go do PvP. All PvPers do is talk about how wars aren’t great anymore, but they don’t go start any. Look- Ice fields are always full. Go mount up, open Eve Maps, warp to all of the ice fields in turn, and blow up all you see there. It rarely happens except in only a few locations and, frankly, it’s almost always fragile Hulks, Macks, and Retrievers. Oh and Ventures.

Travel to Low sec and you don’t have to worry about Concord. If a hundred members of Safety mounted up in T3 cruisers and flew into Low Sec, they could get a LOT of PvP! A lot of scared players, and a lot of action. Then they could take that fleet and wreak havok all the way to someone’s territory.

Right now, all I see is Jita gate camping and Brapelille camping. There are other players in this game.

So what’s stopping you from taking a fleet into Low Sec or jumping from ice field to ice field? Or are you just waiting for CCP to turn off Concord?

Can you please provide one instance where CCP removed PvP? Just one example please.


They removed alpha ganking

You’re welcome.

You used to not be able to do Alpha ganking. Why? Because initially, there was no Alpha. This game used to be 100% subscription to play. It was added- players abused it with a hundred free accounts and it was removed. CCP is a business. They don’t want to cater to players who just want to make free alts to do their dirty work.

your example is no different than the guy crying that he can never ever pilot a Rorqual on an Alpha account (Yes- that happened).

Simping for Gloria is not going to end well for your popularity in the EVE-O forums.

Just sayin’

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Hey…you first !

Take a trip to Kubinen in your mega EHP barge and see how long it lasts against people with 30,000 solo kills. You too are only ‘safe’ because you are in highsec.

I am not the one who said that this game needs great wars and proclaimed, “Make Eve Great Again.” You did that.

LOL. If I was ‘popular’ here I’d definitely think something was wrong.

If the story lines were developed into comic books at least, the comics might attract new readers who have gotten tired of Marvel simply changing of colors of a suit or the make up of a villian.

Preventing Alphas from ganking. There are more…but you did say one.

Why would I do that? No Concord so that defense doesn’t work. This game is about using the right defense for the job. That defense only works in High Sec.

You see, High Sec has these NPCs called Concord. They arrive after a few seconds and destroy any attackers. That’s why the defense works. It’s all about the numbers. It’s not full proof, but if there aren’t enough attackers, the Concord NPCs I told you about will arrive in time and my ship will not be destroyed. That is how High Sec works.

See, Null Sec doesn’t have those NPCs. There is no attack timer. That means that the attackers can just use a warp scram (these are little devices that can stop a ship from warping away) and pin my ship down. Then they can take their time destroying it. That’s why that defense won’t work. I’d have to use another one.

See how it all works now?

You even quoted me and yet still thought I was talking about you. No, Gloria, I’d never accuse you of thinking you were popular.

I would accuse you having a pathological need for attention though. And a bad case of last word syndrome.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Alphas shouldn’t have been able to attack. That was an abuse that was corrected. You see, Alpha (accounts that are free), are a trial account. That’s their purpose. It’s to give new players a way to enter the game and try it out. You’re not supposed to be able to do end-game content with them.

An Omega account is a paid account. That’s the one that you want. CCP (the company that runs this game) wants Omega accounts. If you want to play this game (including PvP) then you have to pay for an Omega account.