It’s like NFTS…

…but worse.

It’s a MORAL SIN and OUTRAGE to try and make money.

Yes I can.

Isk funds are currently frozen until bargaining negotiations had conversed with her Majesty Queen Regent of Highsec as Frostpacker is no longer stationed in Highsec.

No? But this stage in New Eden rp lifestyle, asking to pay a fine or permit is only teasing my desire to be always submissive, so just asking doesn’t work anymore as it is like when one sprays a space cockroach eventually at some stage it will become immune.


That sounds like something a defense attorney came up with in face of direct evidence against his client:

“Your Honor, my client clearly committed the crime as shown by the evidence, but it was completely justified by moral standards and as such it was my client’s duty as a moral person to commit this illegal act.”

Maybe from a CONCORD court room session during the trial of a suicide ganker who blown up a bot-aspirant miner? :upside_down_face:


Will that retro PC operating permit fix this?

@Aiko_Danuja can confirm it will fix that and every other problem you might have… all of it. :wink:



Please send to my evemail in game asap thanks.


How much would a permit cost to be the one to issue permits?


Wont lie this scares me a lil, its like: “lets try get people to pay 2 years in adv that way we can work on a different game and by the time the 2 years are up it will be too late for them to realize there is no new content yet, with no way to pull out”.

The value is good at least but I mean its risky as hell. If some part of the fw update had come out then I would see this deal from a completely different light. But again this ARC is stagnating, either that or the players did something to stop a gal/cal war and things just returned to normal I dont know :confused:


I wonder if that correlates somehow with the inability of the substantial number of gamers in a country of 147,000,000 people unable to play due to sanctions. Gamers that are unlikely to return even when they are able due to CCP expressing their virtue by taking sides.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Thats a good point, But I think the drop from that country was over a month ago. So it is still dropping me thinks.

You have to take everything into consideration even psycology if people see the numbers dropping and see updates like this with nothing for them they will assume people are just moving on and maybe they do the same.

There is a critical mass and tipping point and I have no idea what number that actually is but It’s getting closer, too close for comfort.

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There’s a fascinating corollary, though, in that the more vets and longer term players leave…the easier life becomes for noobs. If there are less sharks in the sea, more of the smaller fish can survive. Whether this eventually pans out into longer term higher concurrency is another matter.


Sharks eat the medium fish and keep their population low so the medium fish dont boom and eat the little bro’s in the same way that the vet’s farm huge amounts and make everything on the market cheap so the new bros can affored them.

There is a balance for sure but I don’t think life would become easier for noob’s it would probably become more peaceful with a lot more grinding needed to get to the same place.

Let’s go to one extreme quick imagine there was only 1 player in the game and he had to mine research and manufacture everything he needs how long would it take him to get a titan compared to doing it ingame now.

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I think the end will come when there’s only 10k daily logins left.

Hmm 10k seemed to be the avg from 2003 to 2006, but that was with new content coming out so hard to say.

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I guess we’ll see. Maybe P/A will leave the servers open until they rot, who knows.
I know I’ll keep logging in until the end. It’ll be a first for me as I’ve never witnessed a game’s death. Then again, my life may expire before the game. Hard to tell.

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You can’t only go by concurrency. 100,000 players each logging in for 2 hours a day will give you the same concurrency as 200,000 players each logging in for 1 hour a day. Concurrency doesn’t necessarily tell you there are fewer actual players…it is far more a reflection of the average time spent in the game. You could have a fall in concurrency even with more people subscribed…if the average gaming time fell.

This is why ‘the sky is falling down’ claims about concurrency are meaningless, as people so often think that number of concurrent players is the same thing as number of actual players.


Its astonishing how hard some people work to try to make out the number of people playing isn’t dropping. I don’t need a chart to tell me that the number of people playing is dramatically lower than when I used to play.

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