When you pay by credit card your looses auto get calculated to real life money and every loss feels worse than if you made it with isk ingame.
That’s a false narrative, as the cost of grinding is your time…which you could be doing something else with.
That might be true, but I know that it can feel like it.
I use plex to buy fun fuel (disposable frigates for pvp) and at first I had a really hard time reconciling the loss of the ship to a RL financial hit, and worse, fiscally irresponsible (within reason).
It was a lie I was believing.
Spending 20 usd on plex and burning frigates in pvp for entertainment and fun is no different than spending 20 usd in fireworks (legal) and burning them for enjoyment. Or spending 20 usd at the movies. I had to reframe my thoughts around it. I’m spending a bit of cash for entertainment purposes and that’s okay.
(Noted, this is all within reasonable means. Your milage may vary)
I thought about that too. I was thinking its bad i spend 2k on eve per month but after my family died of starvation the problem disappeared and i learned to have fun.
That seems a bit excessive.
Probably should have done a more affordable plan. I recommend the 20 usd per year package. It gets you a lot of frigs without the nasty side effect of starving your family.
Unless, of course…. You know. Dark things.
I literally get paid to shoot other players. It’s nice.
Of Course but then you are aware of it and psycology plays a big part in enjoying a game.
The hitman of eve xD
I sold Goonswarm Federation.
Unfortunately some of us have real life responsibilities and have left Arzad defenseless. Hopefully I will be back after life cools down a little.
how do yuo do that
Become a mercenary?
If he has to ask, he’s not ready.
Do exploration. Use cheap ships, drop your loot off in highsec frequently. don’t be afraid of lowsec/nullsec especially if you find a wormhole to it.
Look up what ghost sites are. Don’t be afraid of them in your cheap ship. Hack one random can while you scan the others for teh good loot. Then hack the can with the good loot at gtfo. Let the ghost site blow the rest up.
Avoid mining as a newb. Mining is great later when you have a bunch of accounts. Do missions if you must. Combat missions at least have you training combat skills.
Also join a nulsec alliance asap. All the large alliances have newbie friendly corps who will provide free ships and training, and you’ll have access to the most dank isk in the game as early as possible
Faction Warfare IS SIMPLY NOT anything a NEW player should get into…
@Ash - I expect better better of you than that Bud.
New players should totally learn how to probe down mission runners, ninja salvage wrecks and steal loot. It’s what I did. And it was glorious.
I second this. Ninjing is the way of the world
Snooze = Lose
Salvage laws of New Eden. First come first serve.
Who would hire a Frostpacker?