Anyone who needs some frost packed?
Im only IV with Industrial Reconfiguration for Large Industrial Core II
Buy it with RL money.
Few people in this game will agree, but if you ask me, that’s the best way.
Personally, i get enough grinding in RL and prefer to do fun stuff when i play videogames. Shrug, to each his own.
To me, grinding ISK is no fun. If you enjoy it, then welcome! The carebears in this game grind the ISK that the rest of us feed on, so thank you.
Best ISK/h is RL job.
If you know how the game works you make billions really easy. It just takes a lot of time because there’s a lot to learn.
It depends entirely on how much you are spending. I’ve bought PLEX too…but stopped recently as I had more ISK than I knew what to do with, and ships galore…some of which I have not even had time or skills to fit yet. Also, there is a huge amount of all the ISK accumulated over the months that is tied up in ships that just sit there and will probably never be used. Do I really need 10 Gnosis ? That’s 0.5 billion ISK for starters, that I’d getting reducing that down to 2.
okay sould i tyr abssalys
The way I look at it, is people spend money to go the the movies, or a sporting event. That’s disposable income for entertainment purposes.
I treat plex the same way now.
This post is to share what way works for you to get a solid income of isk so new players can see
I belive grinding abyssal is the best way to get isk. but what do you think
I have a year and a half gametime from spamming free skillpoint offers and 50 or 60 billion isk from drawing shapes.
Best things ever for easy mode gameplay.
Mr Epeen
what shapes?
Having a real life job. Which would you rather do? Work for an hour or two at your job to buy PLEX, or grind in-game for 8 hours a day for weeks on end?
Getting paid to run missions
What I do in-game is purely for the enjoyment of playing. Any ISK earned by doing said activities is of secondary importance to me. Your mileage may vary…
Merged two Threads with identical theme from you. Please avoid double postings.
Me too, but the net result is I have a huge collection of ships and have not brought in PLEX for months because ( other than the small ganking ships ) I rarely lose them. So it all reaches a sort of equilibrium.
pretty much this, but for the grinders…its by far ess hunting, and abyss T6 nothing less… but the grind thou…
i just float around in space randomly, do some missions, scan around find sites…just have ZERO plans but fly and stay alive in…while overflying big useless ships that i know i shouldn’t fly but i do anyways…hunting geristas in a golem…in highsec lol yuup thats me…scaning sites and looting in a rattlesnake…yuuuup thats me…warping to random sites to just have a look in a widow. yuuup thats me… lol why? because that is what i enjoy
Plex is a great way to make isk. Especially when you’re me and get bored easily with grindy stuff.
And, sadly, EvE has been, uninteresting the last month or so, and the one thing that piqued my interest I couldn’t attend due to a RL conflict. (I had my bi-annual visitation right. Mom came to visit me in prison. She tried to slip me a shiv, but got caught ). So, I’ve been taking a break from it.
Been trying to beat Civ VI on deity. I hate how the other civs can just gank me. Praxis really needs to remove domination victory.