What is the best way to get isk

Kill miners!

They are plentiful and you find the darnedest things in their cargo holds. Hulks and mackinaws often become t2 salvage!

It’s a great and fun activity for new players to get into. :wink:

Also, ^^^ this **** right here.

I think the best way to get isk is to keep your pilots under 50 million Skill points and doing so buy and sell the extractors from the Store exchaging Dollars for 5 or 10 packs. (that gives more then enough iskies to play with)

I find myself endlessly caught in the loop of 'next week my big ships will be even more skilled so I’ll take them out for some carnage then '. And of course next week arrives and its the same.

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As Uriel says, the best isk/hr is often IRL disposible income. My friends who do grind isk, do so in C5 wormholes. For low SP players, confessors to run Wolf-Rayet wh sites with groups like vulfpeck are a nice entry.

Find some friends where undocking is a pleasure regardless of the circumstances.

Once again… incursions or 0.0. 100 billion in no time.

probably project discovery. if u can make it all the way to level 500 u get a marshal blueprint worth 7b.

edit: also low sec gas mining is ez money. most gas sites can earn 100m per hr PASSIVELY. just park your venture next to a gas cloud, activate the gas scoops and go watch something or clean the house or whatever. many areas of low sec are virtually dead. come back in half an hour, drop off the gas at a station, and repeat. it’s an isk-printing machine. $$$

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Needs to be some what cheep but give big bucks

Make ammo in a mission hub. Cheap and guaranteed sales.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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which ammo is the question we must ask?

Ammo and drones in popular mission-running hubs. Players will pay a premium so they don’t have to travel to a trade hub to resupply. T1 ammo, T2 ammo, faction ammo, and an assortment of drones. Antimatter charges of all sizes, hobgoblins, scourge missiles, and all the other common ammo and drone types that most everyone uses…

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You could also mass produce Ventures and sell them in Paragon stations for players to trade in for EverMarks. Again, you can charge a premium because they won’t have to travel to bring the ship there, as it’s already there for sale.

okay that might be what I do affter I get my anti matter bpo back as its stuck in enamy null right now

Ventures cost about 25 million ISK per 100 to produce @ 250,000 ISK each. Turn around and sell them for 500,000 ISK each in a Paragon station and make another 25 million on top of that.

which is only 5 plex that means I would have to make over 1 million venture to do one month

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Well, then you’re going to have to step up your production and start making bigger, more expensive ships and modules. You aren’t going to become a billionaire overnight by selling T1 ammo and drones…


Production and manufacturing is a tough nut to crack, especially if you are solo or have a small corp, as you simply cannot compete with the larger producers.


mostly solo so this is going to be a pain

then what should I sell to do that or some type of teir chart of stuff I should start with and then work my way up to

If there was some easy path to riches then all would take it and given that this is a dynamic market? The path would die off.
