What is the best way to get isk

No Miner in their right mind would send you billions of isk… Screenshot for proof or it never happened.


wait don’t you mine and give out a bunch of isk everyday he must not be sane

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Trig fighting fleets died out tho. L3 is max you can do as Alpha, now.

I like being able to mine 1bn worth of Walletanium in a few minutes. And frankly, it’s really not something one needs to do that often, unless one is losing expensive ships at a prodigious rate.

No, it’s not. I bought plex twice. 1st time outta curiosity and 2nd I wanted clothing of all things.

Some players will never learn not to undock what you can’t afford to lose.

For the most part, I stopped blinging out my ships a long time ago.

I’ve discovered more and more how one can tweak lower cost ships. Even the humble Gnosis can be made pretty formidable. I have a Praxis that can deliver 1200 DPS, and is tanked to 175K EHP…and ironically this is more ( for less than half the price ) than some of my doctrine expensive ships can do.

Until the resist nerf, I was using hac’s to do pretty much what a T3 could do. Stopped flying T3’s as well after the Swiss Cheese nerf. (What my T3’s looked like after that :rofl: )

Swiss Cheese nerf?

Look Sargon, don’t be spreading false rumors about Frostpacker, profit sharing is not a job it is a lifestyle.

Not at all what you think isk every day are you insane?

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