No Miner in their right mind would send you billions of isk… Screenshot for proof or it never happened.
wait don’t you mine and give out a bunch of isk everyday he must not be sane
Trig fighting fleets died out tho. L3 is max you can do as Alpha, now.
I like being able to mine 1bn worth of Walletanium in a few minutes. And frankly, it’s really not something one needs to do that often, unless one is losing expensive ships at a prodigious rate.
No, it’s not. I bought plex twice. 1st time outta curiosity and 2nd I wanted clothing of all things.
Some players will never learn not to undock what you can’t afford to lose.
For the most part, I stopped blinging out my ships a long time ago.
I’ve discovered more and more how one can tweak lower cost ships. Even the humble Gnosis can be made pretty formidable. I have a Praxis that can deliver 1200 DPS, and is tanked to 175K EHP…and ironically this is more ( for less than half the price ) than some of my doctrine expensive ships can do.
Until the resist nerf, I was using hac’s to do pretty much what a T3 could do. Stopped flying T3’s as well after the Swiss Cheese nerf. (What my T3’s looked like after that )
Swiss Cheese nerf?
Look Sargon, don’t be spreading false rumors about Frostpacker, profit sharing is not a job it is a lifestyle.
Not at all what you think isk every day are you insane?
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