What is the best way to play Eve, CaSuaLY

What is the best, most enjoyable way/activities to do on a casual bases in EVE.
like 1 or 2 accounts playing once or twice a week for a few hours each time?

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Netflix Mining and YouTube L4 missions are two of my favorite pastimes. YMMV on the definition of “enjoyable”, but it’s low impact and fairly casual. You won’t become filthy space rich by any stretch, but it does provide some passive income.

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Complete some of the Daily Goals in Opportunities if you want to do casual playing for a few hours every couple of days.

The Daily Goals basically get you out of station doing things, rewards include ISK, Evermarks and Skillpoints. For the ‘Earn 50 LPs’ Daily Goal, just run a level 2 mission in a Cruiser, it’s quick and will also help complete the ‘Kill 25 NPCs’ Daily Goal, if it doesn’t then just quickly run an Anomaly Combat site.

Lastly if you have extended range Production skills, just set an ammo BPC with minerals in a nearby station and select ‘Use Blueprint’ through the Assets window. A few minutes later just open Industry window and ‘Deliver’ the job.

It’s very easy to complete 4 to 6 different Daily Goals within an hour…


I would suggest to do play styles with as least RNG as possible so you know that if you do something for X amount of time you’re going to get Y rewards. Meaning exploration of any kind is probably not a great idea.

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Fishing also seems to be a popular pastime at present…

Pick something enjoyable in EVE that you can do whenever you want in your own time.

Then prepare your ships and characters so that things are ready for you when you want to play.

  • Abyssals have nice time limits and can be done any time anywhere
  • Exploration is a good option that you can log in to, continue your session and cloak or log out whenever you’re done.
  • Killing NPC rats for ISK and loot also can be done at any time, I’ve been giving this a try lately to see what this ‘Ishtar ratting’ is about
  • Mining: likewise. Moon mining takes some planning in your real life schedule though and may not be as suitable for real casual play whenever you want, but belts and anomalies are fine
  • Planetary Industry fits really well when you only want to play a couple hours once or twice a week

And slightly less casual: you can also join a group, prepare doctrine ships and join a fleet for fun if something happens just when you’re playing.

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“EvE” and “casual” in one sentence, brrrr.

Join a big alliance. Play when pinged ?

Since OP mentioned “casual”, anything goes. The main reward has to be fun in that case, not necessarily isk. Whatever OP finds “fun” and rewarding.

  • Pay for your sub and maintain only as many accounts as you can conveniently afford with real money. Never try to grind for PLEX. If you amass enough ISK to buy some PLEX with activities you like anyway and prolong your subscription time, fine, no problem. But never rely on it or focus all your activity on “making even more ISK so you can play “for free” to make even more ISK!”. It will ruin your fun and waste your time.
  • Find a medium-sized corp of chilled and adult people that offers you to use their organization (knowledge, relations, structures, planned ops, fleets, tools, intel etc…) without restricting your options. Your time is the most valuable currency in the game, use it as you like. All participation should always be voluntary, but remember to give back plenty if they are a nice bunch! Avoid big groups!
  • Try out many activities, solo, small-group or larger-group-size and decide what brings you the most fun/hour. Make your own goals you want to reach, be it ships you fly in a fleet or things you want to build, tactics you want to learn, knowledge you want to gain etc…

That depends on what you enjoy and why you’re playing EVE. Are you playing with a longer-term goal in mind, e.g. ending up in a capital ship for Nullwars, or flying a Marauder or being a wealthy trader? If so, that may direct some of your activities.

If you’re just marking time because you like the idea of a spaceship game, then you should vary your activities. That will keep them from becoming a boring routine.

Security missions, combat anomalies, Homefront operations sites, the occasional Abyssal run could satisfy the combat itch, if you have one. You might also try a bit of Wormhole diving, maybe mine some gas or try some WH anomalies.

You could also grab a filament and a disposable ship and just jump into Null or Pochven or something, see what happens there. For limited ‘casual’ play, Faction Warfare might not be a good match but it never hurts to take a handful of cheap ships over there and see how it goes.


Just pvp on the forums and reddit.

The only part of Eve that is actually still fun.


Suspect hunting. It gets you out of dock. You can cover large areas and thus familiarise yourself with the Eve map, or just sit outside some trade hub. You never know quite what you might encounter, whether you will be able to defeat it, and though it can contain long periods of nothing happening it can also contain periods where you have to act and think really fast. And…you can put on your favourite Youtube music while doing it.

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Maybe you could farm a specific COSMOS mission or site. You can create, biomass and repeat the process with an alpha character that pulls the mission or just farm a site without even that and complete it on your actual characters.

You could do that in Parchanier with the https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Drone_Mind + https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Aether_Drone_Hive but other similar exist too I assume.

(Note that as it is the same grid as Planet VI Moon V you don’t even have to scan down the signature, you can just warp to the moon and land on the same grid not far from the mission giver. Btw the signature is static meaning it is always the exact same alphanumeric combination and points to the same exact location.)

I recommend this mission because I have personal experience with it and know this is a challenging site but easily doable if you know how to complete it and prepare accordingly.

It gives a random implant as loot drop independent of the mission reward so there is a chance for up to 20 mil ISK worth of implant to drop but can also be garbage, and it can be done in like 5-15 minutes with a proper setup.

Using multiple alpha characters you could even pull multiple sites and complete them one another with your regular character(s).

There is also a chance others attempt the same mission but fail so could see other such sites in the same system already which if you complete can take the loot (with the mission item and implant) though you will become suspect in the process. You also have a chance to sell the spare mission items on the contract market.

The only prerequesite mission item is the Binary Transpositional Code which you can buy from the contract market but usually way overpriced (though sometimes they also go for dirt cheap) or can farm from belt rats in the Algintal constellation, any belt that has a chance to spawn belt rats in that constellation has a chance to drop them. (Note: referring to regular belt rats here not diamond ones from FOBs.)

This site is a dependable somewhat challenging and somewhat rewarding one so can be a fun one to complete even if done over and over again. I’ve done it probably several thousands of times (most were not my own sites :wink: :innocent: :blush: ) and it never gets old despite it is pretty straightforward.

The final boss can punch very hard and have insane reps for an NPC so if you mess up it can go downhill pretty quickly but otherwise it is simple to do so there is always some excitement as there is always risk.

Not sure how lucrative it is compared to other missions but it does seem to be okay at least. You may do the math yourself to compare to make sure.

If you go with this let me know how it goes and if you find it satisfactory.

Good luck and fly safe completing it if you go for it (or even some other activity). o/


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