What is the gate in the trailer

at the time there was lots of talk , from seagull , about player made stargates.

it was CCP-Fanfest-Bullshite™(see below) as a lot of us correctly predicted
which in general is good to bear in mind when being shown something massive and spangly by ccp at or shortly after fanfest.
to be clear now, im not calling them liars, or saying they’re full of it, but they are rather … ambitious with their presentations
and for a lot of reasons we often never endup with what was initially envisioned.

In order

#1 Awesome flashy life changing promises of all your hopes and dreams.
Never going to happen

#2 Awesome flashy life changing promises of all your hopes and dreams With concept art
Might get a dev blog out in six months about why half the community lost their minds so they’re not going to do it.

#3 Awesome flashy life changing promises of all your hopes and dreams with concept art and accompanying devblog
You might see this on sisi some day

#4 Awesome flashy life changing promises of all your hopes and dreams, accompanying devblog, concept art, road map and some very much worried sounding CSM members
Actually be on sisi in like six months
May not see it on tq.

#5 is on sisi now and everyone hates it
This will be coming.