What is the point of the Abaddon?

8 turret slot with bonus laser dmg seems good on paper.

But its crap capacitor base, not enough PG for Tachyons, and in general, Tachyons are meh.

The ship caps out so fast and the dps advantage is nonexistant vs Railguns, nor is there a range advantage, there’s no real advantage to lasers considering t2 and faction crystals break and are costly, so the argument of not paying for ammo no longer flies.

Lasers need a cap reduction pass, or Amarr laser bonus ships need a better base cap stat to improve their competitiveness.

Meanwhile Projectile is 0 cap firing damage type selectable… /facepalm

All those ships (Abaddon, Hyperion, Maelstrom and Rokh) are somewhat lacking. But this is to be expected with T1 “entry level” battleships.

Many of these ships are sometimes used in fleet doctrines as opposed to solo play.

If this is for solo play, your end goal should be the Paladin.

Nice smartbomb platform, good bait. PVE-wise regarding cap and PG the trick is to abandon all tank modules and fit maximum range.

Both T1 and T2 crystals last a long time regardless of cost.


-25% to energy guns cap cost
it’s better in terms of damage/GJ ( → ×4/3 = +33% = 0.41dbl) than eg a collision accelerator (+15% = 0.20dbl and huge calibration cost)

bestest damage/GJ avail

This is the point of the Abaddon:

As for the purpose of the ship, it looks like a tankier option than the Apocalypse.


Not every ship is good for every job.
The Abaddon is a very poor mission running ship - I know, it was my first Level 4 mission ship many years ago. Cap demanding, slow, etc…

However, itted for a fleet it’s very tanky with great resists, very high DPS - easily over 1,000dps - and in a fleet it won’t be flying alone. it’ll have logi-support with it - a set of Guardians normally - that can keep the armour up (those resists help there), and - as required - top the capacitors off.

If you want a mission ship look elsewhere - Apocalypse, the Apocalypse Navy (Napoc) or a Paladin.
If you want a fleet ship, as part of a good Amarrian doctrine, then the Abaddon is your armoured fist.


The point is to annoy me because it makes a better hull design for being a marauder than the Apoc.

I just… ugh… I wish the Paladin used that hull…


:sob::rofl::joy: this

Yes, it’s a cool hull - along with the Rokh. The Maelstrom and Hyperion - less so (both could stand to see a redesign).

Hyperion looks amazing! The only BB that needs redesign is Dominix, its one ugly giant snail.

Yesterday we were ratting in a WH, we had a

  • Paladin (Pulse Lasers)
  • Golem (Torps)
  • Vargur (ACs)

All ships roughly the same value, so no crazy differences in pimp.

In a certain site there is a spawn where 3 sleeper battleships of exactly the same type spawn right about 20km, so perfect range for all of them. So we each shot one of them and counted the time to kill. Guess who did win (by quite a margin)?

Yes, the Conflag-Paladin. Then came the Torp-Golem, last was the Hail-Vargur. Projectiles being capless and having somewhat free choice of damage is nice, but the insane power-projection of lasers due a very good optimal range, non-reload times and ability to insta-switch ranges is simply amazing.

And thats why the Abaddon as an 8-gun-laserboat (which can fly a full rack of MegaPulses and still have enough PG and CPU left for all tank/prop/cap it needs) is such a crazy good frontline battleship for groups, because that advantage multiplies in a fleet when all of your ships can do that on command with nearly no delay. And don’t need to fit tackle or repmods because the fleet brings tackle, remoterep and application-assistance. Abaddons only lost their top-spot to the (crazy OP) Leshaks that offer a similar tank but many other nice features in addition. But as cheaper Leshak-Alternative, it’s still superior to almost any other (non-faction) battleship.


The Mael is my favorite battleship hull. I actually really like all the battleships. They’re all either stunning or iconic or both. My least favorites are probably the Apoc/Pally and Scorp/Rattle/Widow. The ones that are truly magnificent in my opinion are:
Rokh, Mega/Vindi (not the Kronos though, idk why), Mael, Geddon/Deemer, and Abaddon.

I ran a multi room L4 yesterday and started with a Kronos using faction ammo, it went ok in the first 2 rooms but it was a lot slower than I liked.

So for the last room I switched to a Paladin with beams, it was so much quicker it was laughable.

All depends on the type of rats. Lasers are strong against Blood, Drones and Sansha.

Serpentis are my local rats.

It was still a lot quicker.

Railgun Kronos works very well.

As as recall abaddon used to have bonus to large laser capacitor use instead of bonus to damage and were “balanced” not so long ago.

It had 100% of a sense in AT meta this year due to points/dps/tank index, but I don’t think we’re not talking about AT stuff here, right?

So the secret technique of abbadon wide combat use in fleets is that u can put projectiles for cannons instead of lasers without major dps loss. It gives you cap stability, damage type variability and puts brain-raping debuff on hostile FC. Abaddon is cheapest and fattest armor projectile platform!

An Amarrian ship being a decent slug platform… the irony.

Autocannons on Abbadon loses a lot of DPS, as projectiles are balanced around ships having high bonuses to it.