Okay. Let me know when you are finished and we’ll set up a schedule. You’ll make a fine hauler.
AFK and posting all day while making a ton of ISKies. Right up your alley.
Mr Epeen
Okay. Let me know when you are finished and we’ll set up a schedule. You’ll make a fine hauler.
AFK and posting all day while making a ton of ISKies. Right up your alley.
Mr Epeen
Quantum cores.
I can’t believe it took you that long to come back and add that one in, Costanza.
By the way, your screenshot was all broken, so I fixed it:
Nothing, but I did log off for a couple of hours in disgust at my carelessness in loosing a Stratios to sleepers. Sure it was a C5, but was still seriously annoyed at myself.
Because this is not any other stupid mmo. You can hire players.
Those Players get content doing your courier missions.
Pirates get content killing those couriers if they behave stupid.
Industrials get content by producing new ships for stupids couriers.
Miners get content by selling ore to industrials.
If you dont want player interaction go play a singleplayer game.
PS: Ragequitted yesterday after the 2nd big fight in a row i got podded within the first 5 minutes…
Players don’t take micro-contracts. If you just need a couple of small cheap things moved to somewhere where there’s no market, you have to move them yourself, or possibly pay tens of times the value of the goods for a courier, and then wait hours or even days to get them, and that’s if someone even bothers taking your contract.
You null-sec red coats have had your brains fried to such an extent with your “gf m8 o7” linearity of gaming experience propaganda that you’re unable to perceive the existence of externalities that don’t have viable player-driven solutions. All the while parroting the same tired old catchphrases you picked up on Reddit, not realizing the irony inherent in the fact that it would take fewer lines of code to automate your gameplay experience than a functional high-sec mining bot (and I am not exaggerating when I say this - literally 50 lines versus 200).
What would give pirates more content? Being able to shoot the NPC Iteron bringing me 500,000 ISK worth of ammo and cap charges, which would then put me in a combat ship I could undock and use, or if I decided that I just don’t feel like spending 25 minutes doing it myself, get bored, and log off to play Tabletop Simulator on Steam?
I cannot say I have ever ragequit, even for just a day or an hour, but I have logged off in disgust not being able to find an ice belt around. I just gave up ALL mining for the most part in recent months. This game was already too much of a time sink. Now its a time black hole.
This Destiny guy has got to be trolling
No ragequit,
I just quit.
Because, you start comparing this game for what it really is, ie:
An utterly USELESS timesink.
Compared next to the self-realization :
Life is short.
Result: You quit instantly.
PS: I’m here, just passing on the message.
He’s blocked for a reason. More people should this, better for your blood pressure and less pollution on the forums from people reacting to folks like him.
That it surely is. That’s why I only log on when I have no more useful things to do. Playing EVE is a pastime for me. I can dock anywhere and do anything else if I need to. I’ll certainly not stay glued to my screen for 20+ hours of this game. It’s simply not worth it to me.
I hate it when people I’ve forum-griefed by soundly defeating them in public debate using my trolling tactics of deduction and logical reasoning reveal to everyone that they have me blocked! It’s like I spend these countless hours psychopathically setting up my victims to entrap themselves in a web of exposed fallacies and emotional outbursts, and then wham! They utterly destroy me by getting in the last word, and then to add insult to injury announce that they did so for the whole world to see, foiling my carefully-laid plans to underhandedly discredit them by refusing to patronize their groupthink sheeple opinions. It makes me so angry! Grr! If another alt-posting carebear advocate disenfranchises me of my ability to have my posts be visible to them, and then publicly announces their action so as to remove any traces of ambiguity about the matter, I’ll have to quit these forums in a display of rageful exasperation!
And yet here you are, posting in the forum of a game you don’t play…
To fit in EvE, the NPC Couriers would need to be able to be intercepted.
How mad would you be when your stuff just fails to arrive in game after using the system.
Space Fex Ed just says - “LOL Pirates. I hope you paid for the insurance”.
Like it or not, players do run the lion’s share of the content in the game.
And in a game that’s PVP-centric, movement of goods is content for quite a few players, even if it is an inconvenience for others.
–Gadget lost your delivery
breaking the plastic wrap and steal your stuff if you set your collateral too low.
And yet here you are, replying in a game forum to a poster that doesn’t even play…
I actually do think that there should be better diegetic warnings of FOBs (and trigs), but why offer constructive feedback when we can instead whine and complain.
Oh, and it sucks that you had to pay the tritanium price for this knowledge, but the real loss would be if you failed to learn how to protect yourself from such threats in the future. Speaking of which, did you know that you can see FOB locations in the Agency? And while we’re at it, do you know about where trig wormholes can spawn, or the fact that you can get positive standings with them in order to get them to leave you alone?
I quit for a few days after my travel fit Cynabal with expensive cargo went boom. I was warping to the Amarr station to pickup something when my internet dropped just as I was landing on grid.
It just so happened that a Joint Harvesting hauler was on grid with station at the time. The Amarr hate me so Joint Harvesting summoned a response fleet which pointed me before my ship could e-warp.
I was DC’d for only about 20 secs, but I logged back into my pod. The Amarr Navy and Joint Harvesting destroyed 60K ehp just like that. Over bil down the drain. My wreck had already been looted too. Luckily, the loot fairy said no to the looters and no shiny mods survived.
Of course they would. With the appropriate faction standings hit when shot, and maybe even some kind of NPC response (not CONCORD, but Navy, or along those lines).
A game mechanic like this would both decrease player frustration (e.g. traveling 30 jumps when all you want is a basic scanning frigate or some cargo expanders for your hauler), and increase opportunities for interaction, both PvP and PvE. This wouldn’t take anything away from the game in exchange, or require any sort of compromise, so anyone arguing against it is doing so without thinking about it, more or less as a mechanical motion because their social environment’s zeitgeist is a fundamental aversion to change and progress.
What makes a player Rage Sub?