What’s the purpose of Ganking?

This game is amazing.


It would be cool if there was like factional warfare stuff for pirate too.

I play since about a year, by now have 20 characters across 7 accounts and my personal experience based on them is that almost all (95%+) of the killrights I’ve put up for sale were bought, sometimes more than once if the guy bought it couldn’t kill the target.

You just have to price your killright properly and not being ganked by someone with overly low sec status as that negates the necessity of using a killright to can legally attack him/her.

No idea nor metrics about how it goes for other capsuleers but as my personal experience is based on many dozens of killrights, more than a hundred by now I think, I trust it to be relevant.

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I wish I didn’t care so much about a “story” and I’m not talking about the ones provided in game, I mean like my characters story. I can’t just play the game like Galaga. So I’m already planning on my goodie two shoes by the book Fed Navy Academy with spit shined boots to go through some ■■■■ and eventually be a piece of ■■■■ who smells of bleeding gingivitis and has a layer of filth deep enough to insulate a baby hamster.

Keep in mind, it’s a game. If someone scored on you in basketball, you wouldn’t think of them as an evil bastard because of it. Now, if someone circumvents the rules, or meta-games it to the point where it’s not fun, yeah, screw those guys. That stuff does happen in EVE, but you won’t really start to notice it until about a year or more in.

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Well I’m not outright a roleplayer in EVE but I stick to an “affiliation” / deliberately chosen path with my main. I slightly deviate from that path here and there but in general I walk along that path which I’ve chosen before character creation, made my character accordingly and play according ever since. Nothing hardcore nor restrictive though, but still follow through ever since and no plans of ever changing that.

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I hear ya. I mean if I can’t find any motivation for said turning to the dark side then I won’t. That’s the only restriction I give myself. I may get ganked one too many times and decide to go undercover and realize that these guys are pretty cool and then learn things that might change his disposition or something like that. I wouldn’t be able to just make something up in my head and suddenly go change my attire and say I’m bad now. It has to be believable. As if I’m reading a book that I’m writing simultaneously m. It has to be good otherwise I’m not going to finish reading it.

I see. Well you can, if you want come up with a proper background story / character arc that leads back before your character became a capsuleer, like growing up in a bad “neighborhood” (planet, city, colony, station, whatever) and/or raised by criminals so for your character being a criminal can be the natural way of things.

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The background choices were good enough for me honestly. The 3 bloodline choices mixed with the 3 academy choices I feel really provide all the background I need for myself. I might end up never going bad for all I know. I guess I have some kind of brain damage that allows me to tell a story to myself that I don’t yet know lol maybe I’m schizophrenic or something but I really don’t know what’s going to happen.

If you prefer not to play a negative character then that is entirely up to you and nobody should judge you for it or anything. This is a game we play for enterteinment value so whatever entertains you should be how you play it, including the roleplay / lore aspects.

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Thank you guys for all your comments. I can easily say my question was answered clearly. I’ll see you guys out there!

The game does have a lore and backstory portal, and there are players who roleplay, have a character background, etc…

It’s just not like in other MMO’s where they mostly stand on the mailbox, half-dressed, and “roleplay”, or go to the tavern and “roleplay” via just chat. In here, you roleplay through your actions; you don’t speak in thees and thous, you speak normally, and otherwise all you have to do is take the in-character news that CCP posts every now and then as if they’re reality.

So, figure out where your character stands in relation to all the empires:

  • Amarr: “We are holy and superior, and the lesser races need to be enslaved so they can see the light. Lineage and pedigree are what separate the truly gifted from the unwashed masses.”

  • Minmatar: “Freedom is valued above all else, and esp. against Amarr slavers, terrorism and mass destruction of civilians are acceptable if the result is freeing Minmatar people.”

  • Gallente: “Every individual has the right to do whatever they want, and that includes the right to have as much entertainment (drugs, alcohol, sex) as they desire.”

  • Caldari: “The rights of the many trump the desires of the few, and your corporation is your family. Instead of the decadence of the Gallente, efficiency and hard work are valued.”

  • Pirates - you can read their back stories and lore and see if you agree with their world views.

  • Other players - Because of our access to clones (and thus immortality), and our access to immense wealth (ISK), we are regarded as quite insanely dangerous to “normal” people. There are a few chronicles that illustrate this. The ships we fly have crews, and we don’t really care about them when we PVP, so, insanely dangerous. Lots of room to roleplay here.

And then, when you play, missions usually happen against “pirates”, exploration sites contain relics or ruins from old lost civilizations, and wormhole space is populated by Sleepers (remains of an old civilization), that you can read about. So everything that you do in-game has meaning, if you care about it.

You may be right that the “intent” of the mechanic is to promote PvP actions, especially when looked at in the context of suicide ganking the mechanic is a complete failure at promoting those PvP actions why? glad you asked. Gankers do not want PvP action, they want a quick and easy kill so they can move on to their next target. Once they have killed the target and the PvP you state the mechanic is intended to promote could happen they will do everything the game allows them to do to avoid that PvP content.

There are many forms and different sides to PvP. I am assuming here but I believe what @Memphis_Baas meant was CONCORD does not insta kill the attacker (or by extension hi-sec is not a “no pvp zone”) as to still give a chance for players to interact with each other and ensure that you are never 100% safe when undocked, not even in hisec.

I don’t see how that can possibly be right. The whole mechanic removes the need for you to fight your attackers because an NPC force is going to turn up and do it for you if you can survive long enough. The absence of the mechanic would do far more to encourage PvP fights between players.

Concord are a deterrent. The same kind of deterrent that modern day real world powers sitting on a stack of nuclear weapons represents. The promise of deadly retribution if you act. A deterrent in the real world and in EVE designed entirely to make people think twice about hostile actions, not to encourage them.

I thought it was pretty much taken for granted that Concord are there to make High Sec safer, not to encourage PvP.


Trust me, there are a lot of people I would have shot at in High Sec if it wasn’t for Concord :yum:

EVERYONE wants quick-and-easy kills. You don’t fit your ship in-station for the purpose of giving the other guy a chance (30%? 50%? 80%?) to win, you fit to kill, quickly.

As far as Concord, I was arguing from the point of view of comparing EVE’s Concord deterrent vs. other MMO’s “no killing in cities unless you flag yourself for PVP.” High-sec is a newbie zone, and the MMO standard for newbie zones is consent-based PVP (which mostly equates to “no PVP”). Basically, to spell it out, EVE’s high-sec game mechanics “promote” PVP (allow PVP) in zones where other MMO games do not. That’s what I meant.


Aaah okay, with you now. Makes total sense yes, agreed. Sorry if I misunderstood your first post :slight_smile:

A propos ganking:
How is that possible? 336k damage in 0.8 Highsec
Killboard says 32 aggressors, so each of them had to deploy more than 10k damage within seconds. How is CONCORD reacting to big ganking fleets?

With a bigger fleet

Ps: we need a concord titan

Actually it is rather easy to do, when you know you are going to lose your ship no matter what happens so you fit for maximum damage possible. In that configuration a Talos can generate over 1,000 DPS, a Concord response averages around 20 seconds give or take so all it takes is a calculator to figure out how many ships to bring. In this case the math says roughly 17 ships were needed and a quick scan of the kill mail looks like more than 20 pilots were involved.