What the hell are you meant to do

Wow, hard to believe you went there. You have ignored every section of every post that told you what approaches you could have used to beat the mission, even with your limited noob skills and your limited EVE player skill. Instead you keep falling back on repeating the same arguments over and over again, which basically consist of:

“The game has an Epic mission set, which allowed me to complete the first couple steps with my noob build and noob skills. Therefore the game was obligated to allow me to complete the rest of the arc, without making significant changes to my approach or to learn anything new. I am not responsible for research, or levelling up, or changing my approach, or asking for help - the game is simply bad design because noobs can’t complete Epic content while remaining noobs.”

Because you appear to think a sandbox game known for the challenge it presents has to hold your hand every step along the way, here are the things you missed:


You ignored all this info, and/or glossed over it and just thought “Yep, a battleship is all I need”.

You ignored the basic rules of EVE and of heading into Epic content with minimal game experience and skills - in any game.

You repeated the same mistakes until you died in the mission, without learning anything. You are repeating the same arguments, in the forum, without learning anything. You are ignoring anything that points out this was your own fault and responsibility to handle better, that you had avenues to do so, and you simply charged in like a noob and kept repeating your error until you died.

You are correct in one thing, however. EVE is obviously not the game for you. EVE requires more of its’ players than “could not pass the ‘smarter than a frog’” test - things got hotter on you, and you got boiled.

I suggest playing something that guides you carefully through each step, and doesn’t require you to learn from past mistakes.