What to do after AIR Academy?

Okay, it sounds like you did the career agent missions. Those were the 5 agents with 10 missions a piece. The Career program tasks are the things like “earn 50k from the market”. Anyway, they might have changed the names of the agents (i.e. Career Agents–> Air Academy), which might be the source of the confusion.

Regardless, the SoE Epic arc is a good next step (which Uriel Linked), followed by the Career Program Tasks. Hopefully, going through those will help you find stuff that you’re interested in doing, because after that, there are no more guide rails. It will be up to you to set your own goals.

This link is to an absolute butt ton of resources. You do not need to go through all of it (especially if you prefer to learn by doing). However, I wanted to link it just in case.

Also, welcome to Eve \o/