What to do with 4 char slots

No point selling a char under 6mil sp as its going to cost 2plex (3bil cost) to transfer the char and someone will only offer you something like 1bil for a 2mil sp char. If you would use real money to transfer the char then that real money is better spent on a 5mil sp fully trained alpha char to upgrade to omega over a few months with implants and sold later on for much more.

Wrong. CCP has gone the $20 USD route and no plex for transfers.

When did it change? Guess its better thou but character’s should be sold for more now to compensate for that value.

1 month = $15 so $20 = 1.25 months of game time, 500 plex for game time = something like 1,5b so 1,5 x 1.25 = 1.875b

which means if he sold his 2mil sp char for 1bil he would still be loosing 875mil value and be loosing a char :stuck_out_tongue: It’s the same logic as paying someone to remove your garbage for you xD. Better to just wait for a higher sp char before selling :].

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I assume CCP figured thered be a lot of character movement and made it cash only or else ultimately theyd be moved for free with SP farming.

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