Yep this question is strange.
Don’t ask why but my dream was to have a T3 Strategic cruiser and as I’m Gallent i’ve choose the Proteus…a compulsive acquisition.
But i’m a little bit disapointed by the weakness of the beast.
I’ve choose Sub system to match my gameplay (PvE, Deadspace and whormhole, long range drone), and most of the usefull skill are at 4 minimum.
But he’s still far below may Alligator on DPS and Resistance
I’m sure i didn’t understand somethinh about this kind of ship but i wonder what.
What did I miss ?
Unusefull for my kind of gameplay ?
Thanks for your help.
The Alligator as a battlecruiser is a size bigger than the Proteus so it’s not strange that it’s dps and tank is higher too.
On the other hand, the Proteus has advantages the Alligator does not:
- can use a covert ops cloak with the right subsystem for safe travel
- can use a nullifier for safe travel
- can easily be repackaged without sacrificing rigs
- much more flexibility when it comes to fitting options
- higher warp speed and agility (especially with that one subsystem)
- more range if you’re looking for drone range fighting like you mentioned
- and probably more
The T3Cs can do a bunch of things depending on their subsystem choices from covert gameplay to logi, various weapon systems, active and passive tank, ewar… I’ve only used the Proteus a couple of times (heavy tank tackle, oversized MWD drone fighter, combat probe smartbomber and sentry sniper) but it’s a very versatile ship that can do a lot of things.
Maybe a fun thing to do is to open Pyfa, look through zkillboard Proteus losses and see if you can come up with some nice ideas that fit what you want to do with the ship.
Being Gallente doesn’t mean you have to favour their ships, my character is Gallente but I find their ships to be somewhat useless, at least for my play style, so now I have more trained for Caldari than Gallente.
Get a Tengu and thank me later.
My WH Proteus for clearing C3 sites delivers ~800 DPS up to 60km, tanking capstable ~600dps incoming (which barely hits me at long range) 820 dps tank when overheating, while being able to warp and change systems Covert Cloaked and getting rid of small tackling stuff with a defensive web. Before Implants.
Can your Alligator do this?
Thanks fot you answers.
So this is a good ship and I have to learn how to use it.
I go on to check Fitting accorded to my gameplay on Eve Workbench
After a couple of buffs in the last years the Proteus is less bad than it used to be (most notably 100 to 125 bandwidth buff for the drone subsystem) but it’s still not the most popular T3C.
While the Proteus has some strengths the other T3Cs may be better depending on the task.
Topped off base Kinetic/Thermal resists for armor is highly valuable, it makes you nearly ungankable, specially from those gnosis and exequror gatecamps.